Welcome to the 37th annual California Small Farm Conference, a week-long event featuring over 40 online workshops as well as a dozen in-person gatherings around the state. Whether you’re a beginning farmer or a seasoned grower, a local food advocate or a farmers market manager, you’ll find something here for you. This year’s theme, "Rooted in Place", honors the vital relationship between farmers, communities and the land they steward.

Check out the schedule below for event times and locations. Click "Reserve Tickets" to register. Admission is on a sliding-scale, to ensure everyone can attend. Please select the amount you’re comfortable paying. Enjoy the conference!

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or to register for this event.
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Wednesday, February 26

8:00am PST

ABC Aves: como establecer un emprendimiento ecológico con pollos y gallinas
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
Este curso es una guía básica y fácil para quien quiera aprender a producir de forma sostenible. Es un compilado de la experiencia de Bruno Vasquetto en el Establecimiento El Mate, referente en ganadería regenerativa en Latinoamérica. 

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

Talleres en Español: Miércoles 2-26
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST
En breve estaremos anunciando el resto del programa

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST

1:15pm PST

Lo único seguro es el constante cambio: Cómo prepararse en la finca para enfrentar lo inesperado
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
- Al finalizar este taller quienes atiendan deben tener una idea clara de como producir, limpiar y almacenar semillas en sus fincas
- Al finalizar este taller quienes atiendan deben tener una idea clara sobre la importancia de implementar practicas de fitomejoramiento y seleccion de germoplasma resiliente a variaciones climaticas en la finca

Ana C. Galvis Martinez

Organic Seed Alliance

Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
2025 California Small Farm Conference
From $20.00
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