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Welcome to the 37th annual California Small Farm Conference, a week-long event featuring over 40 online workshops as well as a dozen in-person gatherings around the state. Whether you’re a beginning farmer or a seasoned grower, a local food advocate or a farmers market manager, you’ll find something here for you. This year’s theme, "Rooted in Place", honors the vital relationship between farmers, communities and the land they steward.

Check out the schedule below for event times and locations. Click "Reserve Tickets" to register. Admission is on a sliding-scale, to ensure everyone can attend. Please select the amount you’re comfortable paying. Enjoy the conference!

The majority of our conference workshops are recorded for later viewing at any time on CAFF’s YouTube channel, with the exception of certain small group and facilitated sessions for privacy reasons. 
Interested in sponsoring this event? Learn more here
Sunday, February 23

8:00am PST

Boosting Beneficial Birds and Insects: Nest Boxes, Hedgerows and Other Natural Enemy Habitat
Sunday February 23, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
Beneficial birds and insects target a range of insect and rodent pests in agriculture. Farmland can offer diverse habitats to meet their reproductive and overwintering needs, which helps support these natural predators and creates a comprehensive defense system. In this workshop, we will explore the advantages of incorporating natural enemy birds and insects into agroecosystems and discuss ways to attract and support them using nest boxes, perches, flower patches, shrubs, trees, hedgerows, and riparian zones. We’ll also address their preferences for various native and nonnative plants. By inviting these beneficial species to your farm, you enhance sustainability and promote local biodiversity.

Jo Ann Baumgartner

Executive Director, Wild Farm Alliance

Breanna Martinico

UC Cooperative Extension

Sunday February 23, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

A New Model for Farmland Access and Transition: The Farmland Commons
Sunday February 23, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
The Farmers Land Trust is a national organization working to support farmland protection, transition, and secure access for farmers through the innovative Farmland Commons model, which decommodifies land by placing it in the ownership of local communities. This dynamic and engaging presentation will share how the Farmland Commons model works, and participants will leave with the knowledge and resources that will enable them to carry forward creative land transition and access opportunities to their own communities.

Ian McSweeney

The Farmers Land Trust

Kristina Villa

The Farmers Land Trust

Sunday February 23, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

9:45am PST

Practical Entrepreneurship Guide for Raising Poultry on Pasture or Integrated with Crops
Sunday February 23, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
To successfully raise poultry on pasture, or in rotation with crops, farmers need practical plans to launch, scale and manage a successful business. In this workshop, seasoned farmers will discuss practices and innovations that work well. According to the interest of those participating in the workshop, we will discuss production systems design, enterprise budgets and profitability calculators, breed selection, brooder management, sturdy mobile coops, preventive health, predator management, managing pasture for poultry, and navigating regulations on meat processing and egg marketing. NCAT/ATTRA will share highlights of the poultry entrepreneurs toolbox and take-home messages from experiments in three states on broiler production in rotation with vegetable crops. Aspiring and beginning poultry farmers will learn about how to access to sources of practical information and ongoing support.

Caleb Barron

Fogline Farm

Ann Baier

Sustainable Agriculture Specialist, National Center for Appropriate Technology
NCAT/ATTRA information service for farmers, ranchers and other food systems peopleBeginning Farmer workshops Pastured poultry integration with crop productionOrganic certificationCulture and agriculture Soil for Water, healthy soils, conservation planningLife, meaning and cycles... Read More →

Sunday February 23, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

9:45am PST

Strawberry Production in Hotter Climates
Sunday February 23, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
Strawberries thrive in the cooler, sunny climates of California’s Central Coast which is why the region is home to the majority of the state’s commercial strawberry production. However, there are many small-scale operations throughout the state growing strawberries in hotter, drier regions. What does it take to successfully grow strawberries on a smaller scale—especially in less climatically ideal regions? How do coastal practices need to be adapted to hotter growing conditions? How does the heat affect disease and pest prevalence?

Join UC Cooperative Extension Small & Organic Farms Advisor, Margaret Lloyd, and Community Education Specialist, Lindsey Klein, as we dive into these questions plus topics like cultivar selection, irrigation needs, planting and harvesting schedules, post-harvest handling, and more!

Margaret Lloyd

Small and Organic Farms Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Lindsey Klein

Lindsey Klein

Small Farms Program Community Education Specialist, UC Cooperative Extension

Sunday February 23, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

11:30am PST

CSA Around the World: How is Community Support Implemented in Different Corners of the World?
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
* Please note: this session has changed from the originally-scheduled "Beyond the Newsletter: 5 Strategies to Scale a 100+ CSA Program in Less Than One Season"

Join us to hear from Jocelyn Parot, General Secretary of Urgenci, the international network of Community Supported Agriculture that works to promote alliances between food producers and consumers both at local and international level. We'll learn how CSA is taking shape around the world as part of a new study, including the many different models that farmers are using to connect with their local communities.


Simon Anoumou Todzro

Farmer, Kpalimé, Togo

Jocelyn Parot

General Secretary, Urgenci

Sunday February 23, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

11:30am PST

Mechanization for the Small Farm
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Join us for a workshop to explore the latest in small-scale mechanization for your farm. We'll hear from multiple suppliers and innovators of tractors and other production tools that are designed specifically for farming on a smaller-scale.


  • Farm-ng,  Nathan Dorn

  • BCS, Charlotte LeMieux, Product Line Manager

  • FarmHand Tractor, David Haynes 

  • Fernando Garcia, FarmLink

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about mechanized tasks suitable toward assisting farmer profitability. 

  • See a list of typical farm activities with some cost accounting. 

  • Learn from virtual demonstrations of the alternatives and how they benefit the farm business & bottom line

  • Learn about available Grants and/or financing opportunities [FarmLink Focus]

avatar for Elizabeth Vaughan

Elizabeth Vaughan

Small Farm Technology Specialist, CAFF
avatar for Nathan Dorn

Nathan Dorn

VP Business Development, Farm-Ng

Fernando Garcia

California FarmLink
avatar for David Haynes

David Haynes

Founder, DPH Industries, LLC

Sunday February 23, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

1:15pm PST

Agricultural Land Equity in California
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
In this session members of the California Agricultural Land Equity Task Force will share an update on their work since October 2023. The members will discuss the main challenges the Task Force aims to address, how their draft recommendations address those issues, and how session attendees can engage in the work. There will be time at the end for attendees to share their own experiences, ideas and priorities related to agricultural land equity. The conversation will inform the Task Force as they continue developing their recommendations on how to address the land equity crisis and submit a final report to the Governor and Legislature by January 2026.

Camille Frazier

Agricultural Land Equity Program Lead, California Strategic Growth Council
avatar for Qi Zhou

Qi Zhou

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Program Manager, California Association of Resource Conservation Districts

Dorian Payán

Director of Holistic Land Relations, Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC)
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

1:15pm PST

Which Direct Market Channel Is Right for Me?
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Learn about different market channels and their pros and cons. Identify which market channels may be beneficial for your business.

Ramiro Lobo

Small Farms Advisor, UCCE San Diego
avatar for Darlene Ruiz

Darlene Ruiz

Staff Research Associate, UCCE San Diego
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Sunday February 23, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

3:00pm PST

Awards Ceremony: 2025 California Farm Champions
Sunday February 23, 2025 3:00pm - 3:45pm PST
Every year, our community recognizes amazing farms, individuals and local businesses making a difference in our food system. Selected from hundreds of nominations by people like you, the 2024 California Farm Champions are blazing trails, giving back, and helping promote a healthier, more regenerative and more just world.

Join us for the awards ceremony as we travel all across the state, visiting this year's honorees.

Sunday February 23, 2025 3:00pm - 3:45pm PST

3:00pm PST

Conozca Sus Derechos: Agricultores, Trabajadores, Inmigrantes y Aliados
Sunday February 23, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
Con los grandes cambios en las políticas de inmigración y aplicación de la ley en EE.UU., la comunidad agrícola y de trabajadores del campo en California enfrenta nuevos desafíos. Desde redadas del ICE hasta órdenes ejecutivas contradictorias, este taller ofrecerá una actualización sobre la situación actual y lo que necesitas saber para protegerte a ti mismo o a tu comunidad, ya sean empleados, vecinos, amigos o colegas.

Cubriremos situaciones cotidianas como estando en la casa, el trabajo, manejando o en la calle. Aprende de expertos cómo ser un aliado efectivo en tiempos de incertidumbre y amenazas crecientes contra las personas trabajadoras que forman la columna vertebral de nuestro sistema alimentario y agrícola.
Sunday February 23, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

4:45pm PST

Wildlife Safe Ranching
Sunday February 23, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
We will cover the practical and legal knowledge required to run a successful operation in California alongside wildlife. We will cover deterrence, exclusion, guardian animals, and the dynamics of "Barnyard CSI" and kill site forensics. We will also touch on conflict with domestic animals (especially loose dogs) with livestock, and how wildfires, drought, and a changing legal landscape impact farmers, ranchers and wildlife. Our perspective is pro-farmer, pro-rancher, pro-homesteader, and pro-wildlife. Attendees will come away informed and empowered, including with information on how to access free resources to solve conflicts with wildlife legally and safely.

Gowan Batist

The Mountain Lion Foundation

Sunday February 23, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST

4:45pm PST

Is There Soul in the Soil? The Spirituality of Farming
Sunday February 23, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
This workshop will explore the weaving of spirituality and agriculture from the experience of several panel members. These will include representatives from the Biodynamic community, Native American / Indigenous farmers, traditional faith background, and Earth-based spirituality.

Science has given us so many incredible tools to advance agriculture and especially food production. We can now produce more food with greater nutrition in more diverse ecosystems while paying attention to the impacts of different methods on the environment and segments of society. But a scientific focus can also lead to objectifying nature as something to manipulate at will, to control and use as a lifeless, mechanical resource. But what if the soil has soul? What if the land we depend on for life and livelihood has something akin to consciousness or even personhood-- different from the human sort but just as real? Historically, many indigenous and non-Western cultures have not separated their collective experiential knowledge (another name for empirical science) from their spirituality. What might it look like to form more intentionally collaborative relationships with the more-than-human beings that feed us, to honor spirit and science together? This upbeat workshop will be facilitated with curiosity, dialogue among speakers, and respect for diverse views. Plus time for Q&A of course! :)
avatar for Angelie Ryah

Angelie Ryah

Hello!  A few years ago I started Belong Farm where I grow veg & fruit, and envision a community-building, healing space where (re)connection to the land is the focus. All my life, my deep experiences as a gardener, rock climber, canoeist, wildlerness camper, lover of thunderstorms... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Monday, February 24

8:00am PST

Rethinking "Small Farm": What Does It Mean, What Should It Mean?
Monday February 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
In this workshop, we will unpack the meaning of “small farm,” a term that often guides discourse around social justice and ecological stewardship in agrifood systems, even as it is poorly defined.

The USDA rigidly defines “small farms” as those with less than $350,000 in gross annual income yet provides no justification for this cutoff. Additionally, “small” farms must be “family” farms, itself a thorny term that includes both sole proprietors and farms owned by family members who may not even work on the farm (in Brazil, by contrast, “family” is defined by who labors, not by ownership). More broadly, the term is used in practice and scholarship to refer to farms of wildly varied size and scale characteristics while often implying that certain social, ecological, or economic goals are prioritized, presumably distinguishing the “small” farm from large-scale agribusiness.

Being “small,” however, in no way guarantees that, by definition, a farmer operates outside agribusiness or pursues/achieves these goals. Similarly, being “large” does not by definition make a farm incapable of achieving progressive socioecological or economic goals. Who, then, do we mean by "small farmers"? What should we mean? What are the goals/values driving the term’s usage? Do we need a new definition, or different terminology altogether? Is it "smallness" we want, or is it social justice, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability? And do these goals require “smallness,” whatever that is?

Together, we will thoughtfully consider what “small farms” we’re fighting for and why, engaging the tensions or agreements that arise.
avatar for Krista Marshall

Krista Marshall

UC Organic Agriculture Institute

Evan Hazelett

PhD Student in Human Geography, University of Toronto

Nathaniel Brown

Ujamaa Farmer Collective
avatar for Rachel Soper

Rachel Soper

Associate Professor, Sociology, CSU Channel Islands

Monday February 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

Let’s Talk About Nitrogen on Your Organic Farm
Monday February 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant production. It's particularly difficult to manage on organic farms because the availability dynamics are complex. This workshop will present a holistic way of thinking about nitrogen cycling and management so that growers can have a nitrogen plan in place. From compost and cover crops to soil organic matter and amendments, we'll talk about it all. By the end, you'll be empowered to understand how these different sources of nitrogen create a whole system plan and where you have room to improve.

Patricia Lazicki

UC Cooperative Extension

Margaret Lloyd

Small and Organic Farms Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension

Monday February 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

9:00am PST

Farmers' Market Manager Training Level 1: Elevating Market Management Standards
Monday February 24, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm PST
This half-day training, developed by the California Alliance of Farmers' Markets, offers farmers' market workers, managers, volunteers or enthusiasts insight into the rules and regulations and best practices for running a CA certified Farmers market. The program is designed to equip market managers, staff, volunteers, enthusiasts, with the essential skills needed to enhance the integrity, management, and sustainability of Certified Farmers’ Markets across California.

During this interactive session, participants will dive into the foundational elements of the Farmers' Market Manual, which promotes direct farmer-to-consumer relationships and supports small independent farmers. Upon completion of the training, participants will receive a free farmers' market management manual.

The training will be led by farmers' market longtime professionals and industry leaders Loren Norman and April Lancaster.


Loren Norman

Ecology Center
avatar for April Treona

April Treona

Downtown Visalia Certified Farmers' Market
Medical Herbalist, Urban Agriculturalist, Farmers Market Advocate, and Certified Market Manager Trainer April Lancaster is a passionate medical herbalist, small business owner, and certified producer who has been operating her organic herbal apothecary, Lancaster Creations, since... Read More →

Monday February 24, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm PST

9:45am PST

Small-Scale Composting: Getting Started, Growing, and Building a Network
Monday February 24, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
Composting and compost use is an effective and scalable climate change solution that has a multitude of environmental and societal benefits, especially when implemented at community gardens and small farms. Despite state mandates for organic waste diversion from landfills to meet climate goals, adoption of composting in the state at community scale remains low and expansion of industrial composting can exacerbate air quality problems and greenhouse gas emissions. We formed a partnership among community organizations and researchers to meet this need. Our mission is to establish affordable, accessible, and scalable community-level composting knowledge and practices to transform farm and food waste into compost to grow nutritious food, mitigate climate change, and advance social justice in the San Joaquin Valley. In this workshop, we share knowledge gained and lessons learned through our partnership. We hope to equip participants of this workshop with fundamental knowledge of the benefits of composting at this scale, different models of small-scale composting, the human and natural resources needed to compost, and the tools to start community-scale composting projects and partnerships.

Spanish interpretation will be provided/included in this workshop presentation.
avatar for Yaynicut Franco

Yaynicut Franco

Director of Culture and Land Stewardship, Wukchumni Tribe

Eric Wellington

compost specialist, Foodlink for Tulare County

Michael Rodriguez

University of California, Merced
avatar for Rocio Perez

Rocio Perez

Asistente Agricola, Central California Environmental Justice Network
Cuidando a nuestro medio ambiente.

Monday February 24, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

9:45am PST

Ag Technology: Funding Opportunities
Monday February 24, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
During this panel presentation, we will:
  1. Learn how to use CAFF funding database and explore various funding opportunities available to farmers
  2. Discuss 4 programs available to purchase ag equipment, including: 
    SWEEP: A program from the CA Department of Food & Ag, that funds up to 100% of irrigation efficiency technologies
    California HVIP and CORE: A program that provides rebates for the acquisition of new, electric equipment and machinery
    Ag Electrification Program: For 3CE customers in the Central Coast

    The session will be moderated CAFF's Tech Advisor Maria Ridoutt-Orozco. Join us to learn how these funding opportunities can support your farming operations!
avatar for Paige Callaghan

Paige Callaghan

Energy Programs Analyst, 3CE
avatar for Maria Ridoutt-Orozco

Maria Ridoutt-Orozco

Small Farm Technology Advisor, CAFF
Maria supports the Small Farm Tech Hub by leading technical assistance efforts to improve the productivity and competitiveness of small farmers. Maria is originally from Peru and fell in love with farming when she attended the Agrarian National University in Lima. After receiving... Read More →
avatar for Ana Resendiz

Ana Resendiz

Hello, I'm Ana Resendiz the Climate Smart Agriculture-Community Education Specialist III for UC Cooperative Extension in Imperial County.I provide technical assistance to farmers and ranchers applying for CDFA grant programs.Currently, there are three grant funding opportunities... Read More →
avatar for Ricardo Armendarez

Ricardo Armendarez

Project Manager 2, CalSTART
About the great company Ricardo works for. CALSTART, a non-profit global leader in accelerating clean energy transportation and mobility, administers a host of integral programs in California and provides technical resources to help navigate zero-emission transitions. Cal Feet Advisor provides... Read More →

Monday February 24, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

11:30am PST

A Farmer's Guide to Groundwater and SGMA
Monday February 24, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Do you use a well for irrigation? Have you heard about the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) or new regulations for groundwater? Confused by the endless acronyms and jargon, and need to understand what this really means for your farm? Come hear from farmers who are working with CAFF and UC ANR on groundwater education. Walk away with an understanding of how SGMA functions in Butte, Monterey, and Riverside counties, updates on the Cuyama groundwater adjudication, how to get good information on SGMA in your region, and ways to get involved in groundwater policy in your region.

Catherine Van Dyke

Water Policy and Organizing Manager, CAFF

Robbie Jaffe

Cuyama, Condor's Hope

Rogelio Ponce

Sun Valley Farms

Cheetah Tchudi

TurkeyTail Farm

Monday February 24, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

11:30am PST

On-Farm Recordkeeping Technologies and Strategies
Monday February 24, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Join us for a panel-style discussion on the essentials of recordkeeping for farmers. This workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the various resources available to streamline and enhance your farm's recordkeeping processes. Whether you’re focused on improving your business operations, ensuring food safety compliance, or preparing for audits and certifications, this session has you covered.

The workshop will outline the critical aspects of recordkeeping, including profit/loss statements, crop plans, and the importance of accurate documentation for food safety and marketing, FSMA, organic certifications, and third-party audits, emphasizing how proper records play a pivotal role in meeting these standards.

After this workshop you won’t go at it alone! CAFF’s Farmer Services Office Hours are held every Monday to get in-depth advice on what records you need and how to maintain them efficiently. This workshop is your starting point to mastering farm recordkeeping—don’t miss it!
avatar for Maria Ridoutt-Orozco

Maria Ridoutt-Orozco

Small Farm Technology Advisor, CAFF
Maria supports the Small Farm Tech Hub by leading technical assistance efforts to improve the productivity and competitiveness of small farmers. Maria is originally from Peru and fell in love with farming when she attended the Agrarian National University in Lima. After receiving... Read More →

Arabelle Schoenberg

Bay Area Regional Lead, Farmer Services, CAFF

Monday February 24, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

1:15pm PST

Organic IPM for Vegetables
Monday February 24, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
This workshop will provide a foundational introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and how the IPM framework can be applied on small-scale organic vegetable farms. We will start with a basic overview of key IPM concepts and strategies. Then we will explore how IPM can be used to manage two common and economically-damaging pests as examples, symphylans and cucumber beetles. This will include real-world examples of IPM for these pests from North Bay vegetable growers, shared with permission. We will use last 30 minutes of this workshop to walk through how to write your own IPM plan for a pest of your choice using a simple outline. This will start with accurate pest identification, understanding its life cycle, and prevention strategies. Then we will cover how to set action thresholds appropriate for your farm as well as strategies for monitoring and record keeping. We'll cover how to combine management strategies such as biological, cultural, mechanical, and organic chemical options. Attendees will leave this workshop with a draft of an IPM plan they can continue refining over time.

Ellie Andrews

Specialty Crops Advisor for Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties, UC Cooperative Extension

Monday February 24, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

1:15pm PST

Path to Organic: How to Prepare for Organic Certification
Monday February 24, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Join us for a workshop on organic certification and inspection, featuring an experienced organic inspector and successful organic farmer. This session will provide insights into the certification process, compliance requirements, and practices for preparing for an inspection.
avatar for Megan Robertson

Megan Robertson

Consultant, Alluvial Organics
Megan is a regarded expert in organic certification. She is immersed in the trade as a triple-scope inspector, business consultant, and CCOF-certified organic broker. Her various roles keep her well-informed on ever-changing certification rules. She regularly attends industry events... Read More →

Kristen Draz

FogDog Farm
avatar for Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson

Farmer Services Regional Lead - Central Valley, CAFF

Monday February 24, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

3:00pm PST

Steps for Conducting Research on Your Own Farm
Monday February 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
Every farm has unique challenges and, in striving towards solutions, farmers are innovative problem-solvers well-versed in constant trial and error. However, as a farmer, you may not think of yourself as a researcher or what you do as experimental trials. This workshop will break down the basic steps you can follow to conduct practical on-farm research projects to answer questions about a range of practices, from soil health, plant breeding and cultivar selection, and climate resilience. It will feature a panel of farmers who will share their motivation for doing research on their farms, their experience running basic experiments with accessible and inexpensive tools, and the different opportunities available to receive funding and assistance to develop farmer-led research projects. The aim of this workshop is to provide the background and tools needed to cultivate your curiosity and problem-solving skills into your own research.

Ellie Andrews

Specialty Crops Advisor for Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties, UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Reyna Yagi

Reyna Yagi

Farmer/Owner, Yagi Sisters Farm
"First we eat, then we do everything else." ~ MFK FisherReyna also works for CAFF as a Groundwater Community Engagement Contractor, helping small farmers navigate and understand SGMA.

Caiti Hachmyer

Farmer, Red H Farm

Samuel Guitron

Gospel Swamp Farm
avatar for Moet Takata

Moet Takata

Ecological Pest Management Program Manager, CAFF
Moet supports the Ecological Pest Management Program to help farmers implement and sustain ecological pest management practices through applied research and outreach. She is based in the San Joaquin Valley, and conducts on-farm experiments in walnut orchards and winegrape vineyards... Read More →
Monday February 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

3:00pm PST

Let's Have a Talk: Asian Specialty Crop in Our Markets
Monday February 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
This interactive workshop brings together a diverse panel of speakers from farming organizations, food industry leaders, and advocacy groups to discuss pressing challenges and opportunities in the food system. With a focus on Asian specialty crops and small-scale farmers, the workshop will explore topics such as market access, the impact of technology, and the evolution of farming practices. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with speakers through a Q&A session, fostering a collaborative dialogue on building a more sustainable and equitable food system.
avatar for Yimmuaj Yang

Yimmuaj Yang

Community Director, Groundswell Conservancy
Yimmuaj is the Community Director at Groundswell Conservancy in Madison, WI, where she champions equitable access to farmland for emerging and BIPOC farmers. With a passion for sustainable agriculture, Yimmuaj is developing an innovative Buy-Protect-Sell pipeline to make farmland... Read More →

Keng Vang

Owner, Fresno BIPOC Produce INC
avatar for Addison Vang

Addison Vang

Hmong Community Food Systems Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Addison Vang holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stout Polytechnic and a Master's in Public Policy and Graduate Minor in Urban and Regional Planning from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He has over six years... Read More →
avatar for Chiang Rai Lor

Chiang Rai Lor

Aggregation Coordinator, FairShare CSA Coalition
The son of HMoob (Hmong) immigrants, Chiang Rai grew up around small-scale farming and selling his family’s produce at farmers’ markets around Northeast Wisconsin. Having experienced the challenges of being a grower from an underserved population, he is excited and proud to be... Read More →

Monday February 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

4:45pm PST

Regulatory and Advocacy Tools for Small Food Producers
Monday February 24, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Farmers, homesteaders, artisans, and cottage food makers have the right to produce the food they want, and consumers have the right to purchase what they want to feed their families. However, laws and regulatory overreach often restrict these choices, and while consumer demand for locally grown products is rising, increased regulation can drive out small farms and businesses.

In this workshop, we will explore key federal, state and local regulations that impact small food producers. We will examine the federal rules regarding meat and poultry production, the prohibitions on interstate sales of certain products such as raw milk, cottage food regulations, and FSMA safety regulations. Since this conference in CA based, we will also touch on the state and local rules for each of the above food categories and also address typical local zoning regulations, the state Right to Farm law, and more. We will examine the legal solutions - such as meat and milk share agreements - that can farmers and small producers can employ to remain viable and grow.

Finally, we will explore the various legislative, policy, and advocacy tools that seek to expand food freedom choice for everyone, and offer guidance on how producers can build partnerships with legislators and mobilize supporters to change the rules to their benefit.
avatar for Christine Dzujna

Christine Dzujna

Legal and Policy Manager, Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
I am a paralegal with a long career at law firms and in corporate offices until I went back to school to obtain a Food Studies degree. Since then, I've been working on behalf of farmers and food producers across the country to advance food freedom. I love doing policy work and seeing... Read More →

Monday February 24, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST

4:45pm PST

Organic Practices for Citrus and Avocado Growers
Monday February 24, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Organic production of subtropical tree crops along the coast revolves around maintaining tree health through management of irrigation, nutrients and cultural practices. Disease and pests of these trees will be discussed and practices that reduce the occurrence.
Monday February 24, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Tuesday, February 25

8:00am PST

What is Carbon Farming?
Tuesday February 25, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
What is “carbon farming”? As government agencies, retail corporations, and the general public have become more interested in sustainable farming, terms like “organic,” “climate-smart,” “regenerative,” and others have become the buzz words of our time – but often lose some of the meaning and power behind the original intent. Carbon farming is an emerging term to join this list, with growing interest from funding agencies and produce buyers. But what exactly is “carbon farming?”

Join a panel discussion hosted by the new Resource Conservation District (RCD) Regional Ag & Climate Hubs to explore the important role of carbon on working lands and discuss how RCDs are collaborating with farmers. Panel topics will include the basic science behind on-farm benefits of carbon, how RCDs can help growers plan and implement carbon farming, and successes and lessons learned in carbon farming in California. This presentation is aimed at helping farmers understand what carbon farming really is, improving their ability to talk about the environmental benefits their farms provide, and giving them familiarity with Carbon Farm Plans and the agencies that can fund the creation and implementation of these plans. Service providers and the general public are encouraged to join as well to deepen their understanding of these issues.

Margot Flynn

Sacramento Valley Regional Soil Hub Coordinator, Sacramento Valley Soil Hub

Joshua Kouri

Central Coast Soil Hub

Joe Pozzi

Pozzi Ranch

Tuesday February 25, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

Research on CalFresh & Other Nutrition Assistance Programs at Farmers’ Markets
Tuesday February 25, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
This workshop will share research updates from three groups of UC ANR academics seeking to grow the use of CalFresh at farmers’ markets, as well as improve the experience of shoppers using CalFresh at markets. The recent funding threat to Market Match underscored the value of programs that connect direct marketing farmers and shoppers using nutrition assistance benefits. Each research program is testing interventions or listening for information that will strengthen those connections. You’ll hear about:

• Sacramento Region Market Access Survey: UC Cooperative Extension Advisor Olivia Henry surveyed the managers of 70 markets in the greater Sacramento region in the spring and summer of 2024. She asked about what motivated and challenged them around CalFresh and the WIC/Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. The results point to several recommendations for public agencies and technical assistance providers.

• NPI’s Market Match Research: In the summer of 2024, the Nutrition Policy Institute enrolled about 80 CalFresh recipients, that don’t use Market Match, in a pilot intervention testing the effectiveness of using text messages to inform participants about the Market Match program offered at a farmers’ market near their recruitment site. Participants completed an initial and follow-up survey, and a small sub-sample took part in an in-depth interview.

• CalFresh at Farmers Market Assessment Tool: UC ANR academics, Shannon Klisch and Cassandra Nguyen, collaborated to develop a tool that supports best practices for market staff to welcome CalFresh shoppers. The tool is based on a systematic review of published literature, pilot testing with market managers, and surveying content experts in the field. Practices included in the tool cover program implementation, accessibility considerations, market culture, communications about programs, and marketing.
avatar for Samantha Sam-Chen

Samantha Sam-Chen

Project Policy Analyst, UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute
Samantha is a project policy analyst at NPI. She has a Master of Public Health in Nutrition from UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. Her primary research interests include food and nutrition insecurity, evaluating food and nutrition programs, and early childhood nutrition interventions... Read More →
avatar for Cassandra Nguyen

Cassandra Nguyen

Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension, UC Davis
avatar for Olivia Henry

Olivia Henry

Regional Food Systems Area Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension
Olivia Henry is an Area Food Systems Advisor for Solano, Yolo, Sacramento, Placer and Nevada counties. Her program focuses on resilient supply chains; distribution and processing infrastructure; food security; and food waste and recovery. She has a master's degree in community development... Read More →

Tuesday February 25, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

9:45am PST

Grants: Preparing for the Proposal
Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
This workshop is designed to help producers and processors who are new to grant applications. There are many steps to take prior to beginning the application process: registering with the System for Award Management, creating a mission statement, defining your goals and needs, finding programs that are the right fit, and more! This workshop will, 1) provide an overview of everything the small producer should do before beginning their proposal in order to maximize success; 2) outline the differences between private, state, and federal grants; 3) provide resources for applicants searching for the right grant for their business; and 4) provide a few basic tips and tricks for writing a proposal.
Organizer Speakers
avatar for Lauren McCawley

Lauren McCawley

RFSI Program Manager, California Department of Food and Agriculture
Lauren McCawley is the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Program Manager for the California Department of Food and Agriculture.The purpose of the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program is to build resilience in the middle of the food supply chain; to provide... Read More →

Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

9:45am PST

Know Your Rights: Farmers, Workers, Immigrants & Allies
Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
With massive changes to US immigration and enforcement policy now underway, California's farm and farmworker community faces new challenges. From ICE raids to the whiplash of executive orders, in this workshop we'll provide an update on where the issue stands today and what you need to know in order to protect yourself or your community, be they employees, neighbors, friends, or colleagues. Learn from experts about how to be an effective ally in the face of uncertainty and mounting threats to the hard-working people who form the backbone of our food and agricultural system.
avatar for Judith Redmond

Judith Redmond

Full Belly Farm

Vivian Wauters

NorCal Resist

Wendy Sosa

Kitchen Table Advisors
avatar for Nicole A. Gorney

Nicole A. Gorney

Supervising Attorney, Removal Defense & Farmworker Programs, VIDAS Legal

Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

11:30am PST

CNIP Nutrition Incentive Program, Advocacy and Funding Updates: A review of the CA State Budget funding for food and agriculture programs
Tuesday February 25, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
This presentation will highlight the experience and best practices of the “Save Market Match Coalition”, a diverse group of 250+ agricultural, nutrition, food security, and public health organizations that worked together to convince California budget leaders to reinstate funding for vital programs that both address food security, bring revenue to small and mid-scale farmers, and support the local food system.

Grassroots leaders will share the behind-the-scenes story of how this coalition and thousands of farmers and customers, organized to fight for the California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP) funding to be reinstated in the 2024-2025 CA State Budget. They will share about the connection between this program that supports both low-income California shoppers and farmers, the CA budget crises, and connection to accessing federal Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) funding. Farmers’ Market industry leaders and others will share the process, best practices, and outcomes of this campaign, and what the current status of funding for nutrition incentive programs is at the state and federal level. Highlighting food and farming program funding updates, participants will learn about programs that benefit local producers, farmers’ market operators and local food systems, as well as some best practices that could be applied to future campaigns.

This panel will focus on the advocacy process industry leaders engaged with, and the decision-making process elected officials must follow to establish the state budget. Included will be a brief overview of changes and issues related to these programs and the federal Farm Bill.
avatar for Portia Bramble

Portia Bramble

North Coast Growers' Association
avatar for Martin Bourque

Martin Bourque

Executive Director, Ecology Center
avatar for Andy Naja-Riese

Andy Naja-Riese

CEO, Agricultural Institute of Martin

Sam Greenlee

Alchemist Community Development Corporation
avatar for Tiffany Germain

Tiffany Germain

Research & Policy Advisor, NexGen Policy
Tiffany Germain specializes in high-level public policy analysis and political research. Her primary areas of emphasis include tackling food insecurity, providing more healthy school meals in California schools, and developing California’s food system networks.Before joining NextGen... Read More →

Tuesday February 25, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

11:30am PST

Mentorship Magic! How mentorship strengthens organic & bolsters beginning farmer success
Tuesday February 25, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
Hear from farmers who are part of the West – Southwest Transition to Organic Partnership (TOPP) Program for a conversation about the importance of farmer-to-farmer mentoring and their pivotal role in expanding organic and supporting beginner farmer success. Join the conversation and find out how to become a mentor or find a mentor!
avatar for Robert Hoze

Robert Hoze

Apple Creek Vineyard Farm & Nursery
avatar for Molly Nakahara

Molly Nakahara

Education Manager, CCOF Foundation
Advancing organic by supporting people and communities who care for the land. The CCOF Foundation unites the organic community to offer intentional education, financial support, and growth opportunities for organic professionals.

Justin Miller

Twin Peaks Orchard

Tuesday February 25, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

1:15pm PST

Blending Habitat Conservation & Restoration into Ag Landscapes: From Research to Reality
Tuesday February 25, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Western Sustainable Agriculture and Research (SARE) supports farmer and rancher driven research on the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainable agriculture throughout the western U.S. and Pacific Islands. These research projects produce data-driven recommendations to assist producers and other land managers in making management decisions, such as integrating habitat conservation and restoration into agricultural landscapes.

This workshop will highlight two producers using Western SARE Farmer/Rancher grants to investigate management practices in different California landscapes to enhance sustainable agriculture.
Jesse Trace, Traceland Ranch in Cayucos, CA, will discuss his work on implementing rehydration and restoration practices, including berms, recharge basins, and plantings, to increase water infiltration and crop production as well as developing native oak cultivars for use as a food source.
Alex Palmerlee, Far View Ranch in Bangor, CA, will talk about how grazing management can aid in natural oak recruitment as a landscape-scale solution. They will share the outcomes of their own research and their experiences in conducting research through the Western SARE Farmer/Rancher grant program.

Jesse Trace

Traceland Ranch

Alex Palmerlee

Far View Ranch Inc
avatar for Miranda Kersten

Miranda Kersten

Program Manager, Western SARE

Tuesday February 25, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

1:15pm PST

Farmers' Market Roundtable: Navigating Hot-Button Issues in Today’s Certified Farmers' Market Landscape
Tuesday February 25, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
This roundtable, hosted by the CA Alliance of Farmers' Markets, offers a dynamic space for farmers' market professionals and stakeholders to come together and discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry today. In an open and collaborative format, participants will have the opportunity to share challenges, brainstorm solutions, and explore best practices around key topics such as market regulations, vendor management, financial sustainability, marketing, nutrition incentive grants, and the evolving role of markets in local communities.

CA Farmers' Market Industry leaders Cara Mae Wooledge, Brijet Myers, and Tasha Ardalan will facilitate the discussion.

With a focus on peer-to-peer learning, this session will encourage attendees to share insights, ask questions, and provide support to one another as they navigate the complexities of operating successful farmers' markets in California.

Organizer Speakers

Tasha Ardalan

So Cal Farmers' Markets
avatar for Brijet Myers

Brijet Myers

CEO, San Diego Local Markets
Brijet Myers has spent 14 years as a San Diego farmers market manager, operations director, and now CEO of the largest farmers market organization in San Diego County. She and her team have helped launch multiple area markets and still operate the twice weekly Little Italy Merca... Read More →
avatar for Cara Mae Wooledge

Cara Mae Wooledge

Executive Director, Napa Farmers Market

Tuesday February 25, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

3:00pm PST

New and Ongoing Resources for Producers: Simple Grants for Compost and up to $25k for Healthy Soil Practices
Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
It can be difficult to obtain financing for conservation practices, as many government grants are confusing with burdensome reporting. Zero Foodprint exists to make it easy for growers to access funds for conservation practices, through our Compost Connector and Restore programs. This workshop will outline how each program works including eligibility, timelines, scoring criteria, and how they can overlap. There will also be time at the end for questions and attendees will be connected to the staff members who run each program if they have further questions.
avatar for Jami Witek

Jami Witek

Grants Manager, Zero Foodprint
avatar for Alana Williams

Alana Williams

Zero Foodprint
Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

3:00pm PST

California Agriculture & A New White House
Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
Special note: this workshop will NOT be recorded and nor will the chat or Q&A be saved. 

With the new administration, America is reeling from substantial changes and bracing for more to come, including to our food and agricultural systems. Join us for this forum with policy experts at both a state and national level as we explore what these changes mean for California's small-scale farmers, immigration and the farmworker community, conservation programs and climate initiatives, and investments in local food programs.

avatar for Keely Cervantes

Keely Cervantes

Policy & Organizing Manager, CAFF
Keely advocates for agriculture policies that contribute to stronger regional urban grower networks and food systems, managing several statewide multi-year programs that support urban ag. Working with partner organizations, farmers, and government representatives, she works to advance... Read More →
avatar for Phillip​​​​ Escoriaza

Phillip​​​​ Escoriaza

Partner, Feldesman Leifer LLP
avatar for Mike Lavender

Mike Lavender

Policy Director, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

4:45pm PST

Water Rights, Rural Water Systems and Water Use Efficiency
Tuesday February 25, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Analysis of California water rights concerning small-scale agriculture and rural water consumers. Exploration of primary rural water systems, focusing on system reliability, life spans, and expenses. Examination of water usage efficiency, including a guide on conducting a distribution uniformity test and overall assessment of water systems, along with the importance of conducting such tests.

Tom Hammond

Abundance Ag Engineeirng

Tuesday February 25, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST

4:45pm PST

Introduction to Soils and Soil Health in Urban Areas
Tuesday February 25, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Soil health is paramount in urban agriculture for the following reasons:
1. Nutrient Supply: Healthy soil provides essential nutrients fostering growth and productivity.
2. Water Retention: Proper soil structure allows for adequate water retention, reducing frequent irrigation, which is important in urban areas where water may be scarce or expensive.
3. Pollution Mitigation: Urban soils can be exposed to various pollutants from industrial activities, traffic emissions, and waste disposal. Healthy soil can mitigate the effects of these pollutants thus improving the environment.
4. Carbon Sequestration: Urban agriculture can contribute to carbon sequestration. Healthy soils act as carbon sinks, helping to mitigate climate change by reducing carbon dioxide levels.
5. Biodiversity Support: Healthy soils harbor diverse microbial communities and beneficial organisms, which contribute to nutrient cycling, soil aeration, and pest control. Promoting soil health in urban agriculture fosters biodiversity and ecological balance within urban ecosystems.
6. Resilience to Climate Change: Climate change can exacerbate challenges in urban agriculture, such as extreme weather events and changing precipitation patterns. Healthy soils are more resilient to these changes, providing a stable environment for plant growth despite fluctuating conditions.
7. Erosion Prevention: Urban areas often experience increased runoff and erosion due to impervious surfaces like pavement and buildings. Healthy soils are more resistant to erosion, maintaining the integrity of urban landscapes.
Other topics will include soil sampling, laboratory analysis and mitigation practices.
Prioritizing soil health in urban agriculture is essential for sustainable food production, environmental conservation, and resilience in the face of urban challenges.

Martin Guerena


Tuesday February 25, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Wednesday, February 26

8:00am PST

ABC Aves: como establecer un emprendimiento ecológico con pollos y gallinas
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
El taller mostrara la transición de una empresa convencional a un modelo de ganadería regenerativa, mostrando como fueron variando indicadores económicos, ambientales y productivos con el paso de los años. se hablara sobre los objetivos y desafíos que tuvimos que sortear y lo que vemos para el futuro.

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

Practical Tools for Implementing Regenerative Agriculture Practices
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST
Regenerative agriculture practices can build soil health and increase the resilience of farms to climate extremes. Access to equipment and information can be a barrier to entry for farmers who wish to experiment with new practices. This workshop is led by Sarah Light, Agronomy Farm Advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension and Nick Andrews, Organic Vegetable Specialist and former Small Farms Specialist with Oregon State University Cooperative Extension. Sarah and Nick are both members of the Western Cover Crops Council. This workshop will include comprehensive information on practical equipment considerations for managing cover crops and reducing soil disturbance in annual cropping systems including vegetable and field crop production. Equipment information for cover crop establishment, interseeding, seed size considerations, cover crop termination and incorporation, furrow management, and more will be shared. In addition, the workshop will share practical resources and tools from the Western Cover Crops Council and the University of California Cooperative Extension that farmers can use to manage cover crops and adopt other soil health practices. There is no one-size-fits all for implementing regenerative practices in a Mediterranean climate with diverse cropping systems and short crop rotations. There will be plenty of time for discussion in this workshop and participants are encouraged to bring equipment successes, challenges, concerns, and questions related to regenerative agriculture to the workshop for discussion.

Nick Andrews

Oregon State University
Nick is a Professor of Practice in the new OSU Organic Agriculture program. He focuses on ecological and organic vegetable production, cover crops, nutrient management, and pest management. He started at OSU in 2005 serving as the Portland Metro-area Small Farms agent. In 2022 he... Read More →
avatar for Sarah Light

Sarah Light

Agronomy Farm Advisor, Universty of California Cooperative Extension

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 9:15am PST

8:00am PST

Merced – Sesión de Visionado de la Conferencia de Pequeños Agricultores de California
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST
Sesiones de Visualización en Español – Conferencia de Pequeñas Granjas

¿Eres un agricultor latinx en California? Únete a una sesión gratuita para ver los talleres en español de la 37ª Conferencia Anual de Pequeñas Granjas junto con otros productores y aliados.

Para acceder, por favor regístrese haciendo click en este link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/merced-sesion-de-visionado-de-la-conferencia-de-pequenos-agricultores-de-california

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST

8:00am PST

Salinas – Sesión de Visionado de la Conferencia de Pequeños Agricultores de California
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST
Sesiones de Visualización en Español – Conferencia de Pequeñas Granjas

¿Eres un agricultor latinx en California? Únete a una sesión gratuita para ver los talleres en español de la 37ª Conferencia Anual de Pequeñas Granjas junto con otros productores y aliados.

Para acceder, por favor regístrese haciendo click en este link: actionnetwork.org/events/salinas-sesion-de-visionado-de-la-conferencia-de-pequenos-agricultores-de-california

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST

8:00am PST

San Diego – Sesión de Visionado de la Conferencia de Pequeños Agricultores de California
Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST
Sesiones de Visualización en Español – Conferencia de Pequeñas Granjas

¿Eres un agricultor latinx en California? Únete a una sesión gratuita para ver los talleres en español de la 37ª Conferencia Anual de Pequeñas Granjas junto con otros productores y aliados.

Para acceder, por favor regístrese haciendo click en este link: actionnetwork.org/events/san-diego-sesion-de-visionado-de-la-conferencia-de-pequenos-agricultores-de-california/

Wednesday February 26, 2025 8:00am - 6:00pm PST

9:45am PST

Requisitos y recomendaciones para preparar una declaración de impuestos federales sobre los ingresos
Wednesday February 26, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
Farmers will learn how to apply federal income tax rules to their unique situation and learn whether they need to file.
Farmers will learn minimum IRS requirements for maintaining accurate documentation, and best practices that will help them manage their profitability.
avatar for David Mancera

David Mancera

Business Skills Advisor, Consultant, CA Farm Link
David Mancera is an experienced business advisor with over 20 years in the agriculture industry, specializing in business planning, finance, compliance, and sustainable practices.

Wednesday February 26, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

9:45am PST

Soil Health In-Field Tests and Lab Analyses: What do they tell us? What are their limitations? How do they compare?
Wednesday February 26, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST
There is no one metric that can be used to quantify soil health. Instead, we rely on measurements from an array of indicators to paint a picture of what is going on in the soil. With all of the options available, how do you know which tests to use? Are the results accurate? How do you put those results into context and build strong soil health on your farm? In this workshop, we will explore the various lab analyses and in-field measurements of soil health and talk about their benefits, drawbacks, and usage for farmers and technical assistance providers.
UC Cooperative Extension and UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program staff will share our experiences with measuring soil health and working to develop an in-field soil health assessment for farmers in Northern California.

Margaret Lloyd

Small and Organic Farms Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Lindsey Klein

Lindsey Klein

Small Farms Program Community Education Specialist, UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Vivian Wauters

Vivian Wauters

UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

Wednesday February 26, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am PST

11:30am PST

Registro de Datos para la Gestión de Nutrientes
Wednesday February 26, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
¿Cuanto nitrógeno necesitan realmente tus plantas? ¿Sabes cuanto nitrógeno ya hay en el suelo? ¿Y en tu agua de riego? El manejo de nutrientes del suelo requiere buenas prácticas de mantenimiento de registro para controlar cantidades, tiempo y costos de aplicaciones de fertilizantes. Asia Hampton de CA Farmlink demostrara las mejores prácticas de mantenimiento de registros que son buenas para su negocio y para el suelo. Harol Gonzalez Gallardo de American Farmland Trust demostrara como convertir estas prácticas de mantenimiento de registros en un presupuesto de nutrientes que informara sus decisiones sobre cómo, cuando y cuanto fertilizar. 

How much nitrogen do your plants actually need? Do you know how much is already in your soil? In your water? Soil nutrient management requires strong recordkeeping practices to track rates, timing and costs of fertilizer applications. Asia Hampton from California Farmlink will demonstrate best recordkeeping practices that are good for your business and good for the soil. Harol Gonzalez Gallardo from American Farmland Trust will demonstrate how turn these recordkeeping practices into a nutrient budget that will inform your decisions in how, when and how much to fertilize.
avatar for Asia Hampton

Asia Hampton

Business Skills Advisor, CA Farm Link

Harol Gonzalez Gallardo​

California Agricultural Specialist, American Farmland Trust
Wednesday February 26, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

11:30am PST

Apple Orchard Health
Wednesday February 26, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST
This virtual workshop will provide a big-picture overview of key management strategies to promote apple orchard health. We will start with a 30-minute presentation that covers soil, nutrient, and water management and Integrated Pest Management strategies for insect pests and diseases focusing on organic/agroecological approaches. This will include examples and helpful photos of visual symptoms of different issues. At the end of the presentation, I will share a quick poll with the audience to ask them to rank which aspects of orchard health they'd like to hear most about from experienced apple growers. I'll share the results with everyone so we can all see which topics are highest priority. For the remainder of the time, we'll hear from a panel of small-scale commercial apple growers to learn which strategies they use in their orchards to promote orchard health, what works best for them in their context, and why. This will help show attendees what these strategies look like in practice and how strategies can be tailored to different orchard situations. After panelists feel they have covered the attendees' identified priority topics, we'll open it up for Q&A to help attendees explore how to effectively apply these strategies in their own orchards.
avatar for Ted Richardson

Ted Richardson

Bella Ridge Farm

Zea Sonnabend

Fruitilicious Farm

Stan Devoto

Devoto Orchards

Dave Hale

Hale's Apple Farm

Ellie Andrews

Specialty Crops Advisor for Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties, UC Cooperative Extension

Wednesday February 26, 2025 11:30am - 12:45pm PST

1:00pm PST

Growing Urban Agriculture: Challenges, Pathways, and Equity for a Resilient Landscape
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm PST
Urban Agriculture is crucial for communities and local economies, diversity of ecosystems, and climate resiliency. The workshop "Growing Urban Agriculture: Challenges, Pathways, and Equity for a Resilient Landscape" will highlight a collective set of goals aimed at uplifting the importance of and need to support urban agriculture in California. Urban agriculture is a vital entryway for urban communities to connect to the greater food system. This workshop will offer space for important discussion around bridging urban and rural agricultural communities to build stronger relationships and power for our local food producers. It will also inform participants about the benefits and challenges of urban agriculture, current programs and opportunities, and how to advocate for all of California’s small farms.

Julieta Muñoz

Urban Farmer & Founder of Growing Roots, Growing Roots
Julieta Muñoz is an urban farmer based in Pomona, CA. Her passion for urban farming germinated out of a love for soil conservation and has become more ardent as she’s learned about the inequities in our current food system. Julieta is a graduate from Cal Poly, Pomona with a B.S... Read More →
avatar for Keely Cervantes

Keely Cervantes

Policy & Organizing Manager, CAFF
Keely advocates for agriculture policies that contribute to stronger regional urban grower networks and food systems, managing several statewide multi-year programs that support urban ag. Working with partner organizations, farmers, and government representatives, she works to advance... Read More →

Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm PST

1:00pm PST

Humboldt Regional Gathering Field Day (Part 1)
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm PST
Field Day: Green Spiral Farm 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA;
Followed by regional gathering and dinner at NCGA Harvest Hub (click for link to part 2)

This event is free, but in order to attend you must register using this link.

Farmer friends and allies, join us to celebrate CAFF’s small farm conference!
The day includes:
UCCE & NCGA will lead a field day from 1:00-4:00 with a brown bag lunch at Green Spiral Farm
Topics: Cover crop strategies, Crops for winter harvest, High tunnel aphid management, and more.  
avatar for Michelle Wyler

Michelle Wyler

Farm to Market Director, CAFF
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm PST
Green Spiral Farm - 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA

1:15pm PST

Cultivos de cobertura: mejorar la salud del suelo en cada temporada
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Cultivos de cobertura son integrales para la salud del suelo. Existen muchas especies y estrategias de cultivos de cobertura a lo largo de cada temporada. El objetivo de este taller es familiarizarse con las diferentes especies y estrategias de cultivos de cobertura en diferentes estaciones. Un panel de agricultores con experiencia en el uso de diferentes cultivos de cobertura liderará la discusión. El taller comenzará con una breve explicación de los diferentes roles de los cultivos de cobertura y su relación con la salud del suelo, la ecología microbiana y la formación de materia orgánica del suelo. Luego, cada uno de los tres agricultores compartirá sus experiencias con una de las siguientes estrategias de cultivos de cobertura: alforfón como cultivo a corto plazo entre rotaciones en el verano, trébol intercalado en surcos de verduras como brócoli y col rizada, y mostaza intercalada con fresas o verduras en el invierno.

Los tres agricultores panelistas son: Emilia Santos Pérez, propietaria de Alfa y Omega Organic Farm; Guillermo Lázaro, propietario de ALD & Y Organic Farm y Margarita Castro, propietaria de My Organic Farm. El taller será moderado por Daniel Hoffman, especialista en agricultura sostenible del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Apropiada (NCAT). Daniel tiene una M.Sc. en Ciencias de Cultivos y Suelos de la Universidad Estatal de Michigan.

Emilia Santos Perez

Alfa y Omega Organic Farm

Guillermo Lazaro

ALD & Y Organic Farm

Margarita Castro Cruz

My Organic Farm

Daniel Hoffman

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

1:15pm PST

Developing a Business Plan with the AgPlan Online Software
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Wanting to start a farm, but unsure if it’ll be successful? Full of great ideas for your farm, but struggle to implement them? Or maybe just trying to strategize your farm’s future, but don’t know where to start? Writing a business plan can dramatically increase the success of implementing your ideas and goals. The AgPlan online business planning software has multiple templates to help you organize your business into a comprehensive business plan allowing you to highlight your unique operation. Templates include value added, agritourism, commodity, and a short-term operating plan. In this workshop, we will guide you in creating a business plan to incorporate your farm vision into your operation.
avatar for Curtis Mahnken

Curtis Mahnken

Economist, Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota
Curtis Mahnken joined the Center for Farm Financial Management in 2010 as an Extension Economist. Prior to arriving at the center, he spent four years with the University of Kentucky as an Area Extension Specialist in Farm Business Management. While at UK, he authored the 2008 Dairy... Read More →

Mariah Beverly

Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota
avatar for Katie Wilts Johnson

Katie Wilts Johnson

Extension Economist, Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota

Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST

3:00pm PST

Producción de Semillas y Fitomejoramiento para la Resiliecia Climática: Una propuesta educativa
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
La producción de semilla y la selección intencional de germoplasma que resista y sea productiva en ambientes cambiantes hace parte de los elementos que aumentan la resiliencia productiva y económica de quienes producen alimento en nuestro país. El Organic Seed Alliance ha trabajado por más de 20 años en proyectos de investigación y educación que buscan facilitar el acceso abundante y libre a semillas orgánicas en nuestros campos. En este taller queremos compartir con el público elementos sobre como producir, limpiar y almacenar semilla orgánica de alta calidad en la finca, y conocimientos básicos de sobre fitomejoramiento y experimentos y ensayos de selección con énfasis en rasgos que aumenten la resiliencia climática en la finca.

Xochilt Juarez

Organic Seed Alliance
avatar for Ana C. Galvis Martinez

Ana C. Galvis Martinez

Education Specialist, Organic Seed Alliance
Es para mi y la organización con la que trabajo, El Organic Seed Alliance, un gran honor ser parte de este selecto grupo en esta importante conferencia. Me alegra inmensamente ver tantas caras conocidas. Esta vez vamos a estar hablando de cómo y por qué producir semillas orgánicas... Read More →

Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

3:00pm PST

Legal & Business Considerations for Non-Farm Income
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST
Are you exploring income generating activities for your farm that go beyond what your farm produces? Perhaps you have a new invention that you'd like to sell to other farmers, a service, agritourism activities, or perhaps a new product that you plan to develop & sell? This workshop will provide perspective on legal and business assurances to help a farm prepare for receiving additional income. Topics to include tax requirements, employment law, land use, adding an additional business entity, and a review of protecting intellectual property.

Learning objectives:
1) Understand what legal protections and business considerations should be in place when
selling a product or service outside of farm income.
2) Understand how to prepare for product development and sales of products.
3) Protecting your intellectual property. Understand the differences and benefits between trademarks, patents, non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality agreements.
avatar for Elizabeth Vaughan

Elizabeth Vaughan

Small Farm Technology Specialist, CAFF

Christine Nelson

Regional Outreach Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office
avatar for Rachel Armstrong

Rachel Armstrong

Attorney/Consultant, Farm Commons
My passion for farming goes way back to the days when I proudly proclaimed that I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. I’ve lived out that dream in many ways, from working on farms to managing a community garden, starting a catering company that featured local foods and running... Read More →

Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm PST

4:30pm PST

Humboldt Regional Gathering Dinner (Part 2)
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:30pm - 7:00pm PST
Farmer friends and allies, join us to celebrate CAFF’s small farm conference.

Humboldt Regional Gathering at NCGA Harvest Hub (5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA):
4:30-7:00: Light dinner provided.
5:30: Evening program includes meet your local resource providers and each will have 1 slide/2 mins/table to give an overview.
avatar for Michelle Wyler

Michelle Wyler

Farm to Market Director, CAFF
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:30pm - 7:00pm PST
NCGA Harvest Hub - 5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA 5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA

4:45pm PST

Cómo prepararse para una inspección orgánica: Guía paso a paso
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Navegar por el proceso de inspección orgánica parece difícil, pero con la preparación adecuada, usted puede asegurar una experiencia de inspección sin problemas y con éxito. Este taller está diseñado para agricultores y productores que quieren certificar orgánico o aquellos que desean mantener su certificación. Si usted es nuevo en la certificación orgánica o si ya ha pasado antes por una inspección, esta sesión práctica le proporcionará las herramientas, los conocimientos y la confianza necesarios para prepararse para una inspección orgánica.

En este taller interactivo, los participantes aprenderán:
- Comprender las normas orgánicas: Obtener un conocimiento de las normas del Programa Nacional Orgánico (NOP) y cómo se aplican a su granja u operación.
- Requisitos de mantenimiento de registros: Aprender qué documentación se requiere para la inspección, incluidos los registros de producción, cosecha y venta. Discutiremos cómo establecer y mantener registros precisos que reflejen las prácticas orgánicas.
- Creación de un Plan de Sistema Orgánico (OSP): Descubra cómo desarrollar un Plan de Sistema Orgánico completo y efectivo que se alinee con los estándares NOP y aborde las necesidades específicas de su operación.
- Errores comunes de inspección: Comprenda los errores más comunes cometidos durante las inspecciones orgánicas y cómo evitarlos. Proporcionaremos consejos prácticos para ayudar a asegurar un proceso de inspección sin problemas.
- Preparación de su instalación: Obtenga consejos para organizar su granja o instalación para la inspección, incluyendo qué esperar durante la inspección, cómo preparar a su equipo, y cómo demostrar que sus prácticas cumplen con los requisitos orgánicos.
- Tratamiento de los incumplimientos: Aprenda a abordar los posibles incumplimientos que puedan surgir y asegúrese de que las medidas correctas se toman a tiempo.
- Inspección: El presentador cubrirá los detalles de una inspección correcta para poner en práctica lo aprendido.

Al final del taller, estará totalmente preparado para enfrentarse a su próxima inspección orgánica con confianza, asegurándose de que su granja o instalación sigue cumpliendo con los altos estándares de la certificación orgánica. Tanto si se está preparando para su primera inspección como si está revisando sus procesos para la renovación, este taller le dará las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito.

A quién va dirigido:
Este taller es ideal para agricultores, ganaderos, procesadores de alimentos y cualquier persona involucrada en el proceso de certificación ecológica, así como para aquellos interesados en mejorar sus prácticas y documentación ecológicas.

1 hora (puede ajustarse en función de las necesidades de los participantes)
Lugar de taller:
Conferencia sobre pequeñas agrícolas del CAFF
Únase a nosotros y dé el primer paso hacia una experiencia de inspección orgánica eficiente y exitosa.
avatar for Jennifer Núñez

Jennifer Núñez

Organic Technical Specialist, CCOF

Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST

4:45pm PST

Small Farm Innovation Challenge Awards Ceremony
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Join us as we celebrate this year's winners of the Small Farm Innovation Challenge! Technology can help farmers improve efficiency, save labor and connect with customers. But most innovations in agriculture today are built for large-scale production, out of reach for many farms, spurring consolidation in the industry. In this workshop, hear from the winners of the Small Farm Innovation Challenge, part of the Tech Hub program at Community Alliance with Family Farmers. We invited engineers, farmers, ag jury-riggers, startups and students to submit proposals for innovations aimed at helping smaller-scale farms compete. From hardware to software, harvesters to marketing apps, this workshop will feature the winners’ ideas and prototypes and how they'll help level the playing field, strengthen local food systems and promote on-farm sustainability.

Congratulations to this year's winners!

Award Title
Kwaku Dagbe’s Multi-Purpose Farm Use Station
Best "Do It Yourself" Innovation

A really cool mulch blower
Best "Do It Yourself" Innovation

Best Commercial Idea

Best Farm Hack

e2T (electric 2-wheel Tractor)
Lifetime Achievement Award in Tractor Innovation

Mobile Port-a-Potty Alternative
Best Conceptual Innovation: An Idea Worth Exploring

Compact Pea Viner for Small Farms
Best Conceptual Innovation: An Idea Worth Exploring
avatar for Elizabeth Vaughan

Elizabeth Vaughan

Small Farm Technology Specialist, CAFF

Kimberly Drennan

CEO, HiveTech Solutions Inc
avatar for Kurt Bantle

Kurt Bantle

Owner, Bantle Avocado
avatar for Sena Daniel Ahiabor

Sena Daniel Ahiabor

Post Harvest Specialist, Tuskegee University
PROFILE OF SENA DANIEL AHIABORSena Daniel Ahiabor is a Sustainable Food Systems Resource Specialist or Post-Harvest Specialist, Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture, Environment & Nutrition Sciences/Postharvest and Consumer Science, Tuskegee, Alabama.He... Read More →

Steve Heckeroth

Founder and CEO, Renewables Inc
avatar for David Haynes

David Haynes

Founder, DPH Industries, LLC

Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:45pm - 6:00pm PST
Thursday, February 27

12:30pm PST

North Bay Regional Gathering
Thursday February 27, 2025 12:30pm - 6:30pm PST
Join us at Green Valley Farm + Mill, just outside Sebastopol, CA, for the North Bay gathering of the CA Small Farm Conference. This event, open to anyone working within the small farm community, will feature an afternoon of educational workshops, panels, farm tours and networking events followed by a happy hour social.

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 2:15 pm
  • Farm to School & Institutional Sales: Lizzy Elliott, CDFA; Meerae Park, CDFA; Tim Galarneau, UCSC Center for Agroecology; Michael Jochner Food Service Director Morgan Hill Unified School District
  • Dry Farming Techniques: Yvonne Socolar, Research Scientist, UC Berkeley; Caiti Hachmyer, Red H Farm; Zuriel Bernier, Bernier Farm
  • Farm Tour: Green Valley Farm + Mill & Brambletail Homestead (repeated at 4pm)

2:30 - 3:45
  • Rodent Pest Control: Clare Riesman, SRJC Shone Farm; Breanna Martinico, UC Cooperative Extension
  • Selling to Food Banks: Samiha Hamdi, Fresh Approach; Juila E Van Soelen, UCANR, North Bay Food Systems Advisor; Erika Carstensen, Redwood Empire Food Bank; Maria Houlne, CA Association of Food Banks
  • Pricing for Different Markets & Knowing Your Cost to Grow: Arabelle Schoenberg, CAFF; Vince Trotter, UCCE Sustainable Ag Coordinator & Agricultural Ombudsman; Lily Schneider, Kitchen Table Advisor

4:00 - 5:15 pm
  • Selling Wholesale & Working with Food Hubs: Dylan Stein, FEED Cooperative;  Haerah Baird, Mendo-Lake Food Hub; Ben Hartmen, Pacific Produce; Farmers Jessica Rentsch, Caroline Radice & Samuel Tookey
  • Farmers Markets & Other Direct Sales: Ariel Vaughan, Agricultural Institute of Marin; Kelly Smith, Agricultural Community Events Farmers Markets; and Julia Van Soelen Kim, UCCE
  • Farm Tour: Green Valley Farm + Mill & Brambletail Homestead (repeated at 1pm)

5:30 - 6:30 pm

NOTE: Snacks, drinks, and lite bites (tamales!) during happy hour will be provided. Warm layers and farm-appropriate attire encouraged. Make sure to add this event to your personal schedule on Sched to receive updates.

  • Community Alliance with Family Farmers
  • University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Agricultural Institute Of Marin
  • Southwest Regional Food Business Center, University of California, Santa Cruz

avatar for Layla Aguilar

Layla Aguilar

Ecological Farming Program Manager, CAFF

Arabelle Schoenberg

Bay Area Regional Lead, Farmer Services, CAFF
avatar for Evan Wiig

Evan Wiig

Communications Director, CAFF
Evan Wiig is the Director of Membership & Communications for Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) and the founder of The Farmers Guild. A community organizer with a passion for regenerative agriculture, he's not only worked on farms and ranches across California, but previously... Read More →

Héktor Calderón-Victoria

Regional Food Systems Specialist, UCSC: Center for Agroecology & USDA
avatar for Tim Galarneau

Tim Galarneau

UCSC Center for Agroecology
avatar for Yvonne Socolar

Yvonne Socolar

Research Scientist, UC Berkeley
Yvonne's research interests lie at the nexus of agriculture and climate resilience. She studies how diversified management practices influence plant-soil-microbe interactions to promote farms’ ecological and economic well-being, particularly in the face of water limitations.

Clare Riesman

Associate Faculty, Sustainable Agriculture, Santa Rosa Junior College

Caiti Hachmyer

Farmer, Red H Farm
avatar for Meerae Park

Meerae Park

Producer Engagement Specialist, CDFA

Zureal Bernier

Bernier Farms
avatar for Ben Hartmen

Ben Hartmen

Pacific Produce
avatar for Samiha Hamdi

Samiha Hamdi

Fresh Approach

Breanna Martinico

UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Lizzy Elliott

Lizzy Elliott

Farm to School Bay Area Regional Lead, CDFA

Juila E Van Soelen

North Bay Food Systems Advisor, UCANR

Dylan Stein

FEED Cooperative

Haerah Baird

Mendo Lake Food Hub

Thursday February 27, 2025 12:30pm - 6:30pm PST
Green Valley Farm + Mill - 13024 Green Valley Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472 13024 Green Valley Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472

2:30pm PST

Sacramento/Yolo/Solano Gathering PART 1 (Farm Tours)
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:30pm - 4:45pm PST
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Sac/Yolo/Solano gathering to learn more about local Sacramento area farms, mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Participants are welcome to attend both the afternoon farm tours and evening social mixer, or to attend one of the parts of the schedule that suits your interests!
Get a close-up look at urban farms in West Sac, including tours of Riverfront Farm and Fiery Ginger Farm, and hear more about CLBL’s Community Food Program and Mobile Farmers Market truck!

This is the registration page for the first part of the schedule and farm tours for the Yolo/Solano/Sac Regional Gathering. To sign up for the second part, the social evening, please go to the Part 2 event link.

- 2:30-3:30 PM: Farm Visit and Tour at the Center for Land-Based Learning's Riverfront Farm (985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 3:45-4:45 PM: Farm Tour at Fiery Ginger Farm (1551 Merkley Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 5:00-8:00 PM: Social and Mixer at West Sacramento Community Center (1075 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
All locations are within a 5-10 minute driving distance of each other in West Sacramento.

For parking information around Riverfront Farm: There is a gate by the farm at the corner of Riverfront St & Bridge St. You can park by the dog park there. If overflow parking is needed, there is free 2 hour parking along Riverfront St., and paid hourly parking in the city lot on Bridge St.

For parking information around Fiery Ginger Farm: Unrestricted event parking within 10-15 minute walking distance is located at 1271 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691 (this lot is also usable for access to the evening social event at the West Sacramento Community Center).
avatar for Elliott Ge

Elliott Ge

Administrative and Systems Specialist, CAFF
avatar for Hanna Kahl

Hanna Kahl

Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF
Hanna specializes in agricultural research and organizing information sharing with farmers. She is passionate about hosting events where farmers can share their knowledge and experience and doing applied research to serve the need of local farmers. Feel free to ask Hanna questions... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:30pm - 4:45pm PST
Riverfront Farm - 985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691 985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691

3:00pm PST

San Diego Regional Gathering
Thursday February 27, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the San Diego regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference.We'll be hosted by S&S Friendly Ranch in the Tijuana River Valley and have a dynamic afternoon full of discussion and sharing. We are excited to gather and share our collective efforts!  Attendees can plan to participate in the following:

  • Farm tour of S&S Friendly Ranch concluded with a community art project and small contribution by each attendee

  • Discuss the Tijuana River crisis and an exciting pilot project the farm is participating in on Mycoremediation

  • Choose your own discussion adventure! Various discussion tables will be arranged on the following topics for attendees to choose from 1) Soil-building and healing techniques 2) Food forest 3) Farm-to Market (sales strategies, self-service farm stands, etc)

  • Time at the end to enjoy each others company, eat some food, hang out

  • Bonfire at Sunset!

Folks are welcome to bring a dish to share (potluck style - please label), any drinks etc. We have a donation from Pure Project Brewery once again (thank you PPB)!

This is a free event. Kid friendly!

We can't wait to see you at the farm!

Planned potluck items to date:
  • Tamales made by Chef Ron Oliver (beef & vegetarian)
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Local Citrus Olive Oil Cake
  • 2 Types of Veggie Heavy Salads

Thank you to Edible San Diego and the Berry Good Foundation for supporting this event!!
avatar for Elizabeth Vaughan

Elizabeth Vaughan

Small Farm Technology Specialist, CAFF
Thursday February 27, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
S&S Friendly Ranch - 2105 Hollister St, San Diego, CA 92154 2105 Hollister St, San Diego, CA 92154

5:00pm PST

Reunión con CAFF para agricultores en la Costa Central
Por favor regístrese a este evento en persona a través de este enlace

Para cerrar la conferencia de Pequeños Agricultores de California, reúnase con personal de CAFF y agricultores de la Costa Central en este evento completamente en español.
Presentaremos un espacio para que usted pueda compartir con otros agricultores, información general de la Inocuidad Alimentaria (Food Safety) y una cena ligera.
Únase para conectarse con su red de agricultores y personal de CAFF en la Costa Central.
Este evento requiere inscripción. 

Thursday February 27, 2025 5:00pm - 7:00pm PST
United Way Monterey County Center - 232 Monterey Street, Suite 200, Salinas, CA 93901 232 Monterey Street, Suite 200, Salinas, CA 93901

5:00pm PST

Sacramento/Yolo/Solano Gathering PART 2 (Social Evening)
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Sac/Yolo/Solano gathering to learn more about local Sacramento area farms, mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Participants are welcome to attend both the afternoon farm tours and evening social mixer, or to attend one of the parts of the schedule that suits your interests!

Receive other resources and learn about opportunities from tabling partners such as CAFF, CA Department of Food and Agriculture’s Farm to School Program, Center for Land-Based Learning, Yolo County Resource Conservation District, and more. Featuring food provided by local California Farm Champion award-winning restaurant, Magpie Cafe!

This is the registration page for the second part of the schedule and social evening at West Sacramento Community Center. To sign up for the first part and the farm tours, please go to the Part 1 event link.

- 2:30-3:30 PM: Farm Visit and Tour at the Center for Land-Based Learning's Riverfront Farm (985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 3:45-4:45 PM: Farm Tour at Fiery Ginger Farm (1551 Merkley Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 5:00-8:00 PM: Social and Mixer at West Sacramento Community Center (1075 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
All locations are within a 5-10 minute driving distance of each other in West Sacramento.

For parking information around the Community Center: Please refer to this document. Unrestricted event parking within a 5-10 minute walking distance is located at 1271 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691.
avatar for Elliott Ge

Elliott Ge

Administrative and Systems Specialist, CAFF
avatar for Hanna Kahl

Hanna Kahl

Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF
Hanna specializes in agricultural research and organizing information sharing with farmers. She is passionate about hosting events where farmers can share their knowledge and experience and doing applied research to serve the need of local farmers. Feel free to ask Hanna questions... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 5:00pm - 8:00pm PST
West Sacramento Community Center - 1075 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 1075 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691
Friday, February 28

8:00am PST

Mendo/Lake: Cultivating Success for Fresh Market Produce Farms
Friday February 28, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm PST
NOTE: Event is free, but please RSVP using this form

Cultivating Success for Fresh Market Produce Farms
Atina Diffley, Organic Farmer and Trainer

Join us for a day of learning about cultivating a healthy business!
Success for produce farms requires consistently producing the correct volume and quality in efficient systems and marketing a non-fungible product to committed, consistent markets.
Marketing is an Active Process: Meeting the needs and values of your customers is fundamental to creating a healthy long-term relationship. How to actively seek buyers is just the start. Who is your customer and what do they need?

Viable Cost of Production: Scale-appropriate and cost-effective strategies to minimize labor hours and keep cost of production as low as possible are fundamental for farm stability.
Post Harvest Handling: Maintaining the cold chain from harvest through cleaning, cooling, storage and distribution to maximize shelf life is essential to keep customers coming back for more.
Practical Produce Safety to Jump-start Your Food Safety System: An interactive, hands-on session designed for small farms. Being proactive on food safety with risk assessments and standard procedures can reduce your labor hours while minimizing risk.

Farm fresh lunch and refreshments will be served.

Date and Time: February 28th, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location - UC Hopland Research Extension Center, Rod Shippey Hall

Hosted by MendoLake Food Hub (a program of North Coast Opportunities, Inc.)

Friday February 28, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm PST
UC Hopland Research Extension Center 4070 University Rd, Hopland, CA 95449 (Rod Shippey Hall)

9:00am PST

Merced / San Joaquin Valley Gathering
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm PST
The SJV Regional Gathering connects farmers, community members and supporters of family farms in the Central Valley to come together, meet one another and grow our community. In 2025, our regional gathering will feature a keynote address by Rizpah Bellard of Nova Farming, a variety of educational workshops, and a buyer-farmer mixer focused on connecting small-scale farmers with buyers. 

*The Merced College address will not direct you to the event parking and event. Use the map and written directions below to make sure you arrive at the event*
Merced College Map
Coordinates: 37.33672° N, 120.47088° W
- From G Street, turn onto Community College Drive - North
- Take the first Left onto Community College Drive - East
- Take the first Left onto University Drive
- Enter the roundabout and park in either parking lot
Parking in these two parking lots is free

FULL SCHEDULE (click link for PDF version):
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:25

9:25 AM - 10:05

10:15 - 11:45 pm

- How to Get Your Farm Business Ready for Organic Markets with Laura Marquez, Kitchen Table Advisors
- Local Food For All!: A Local Food Marketing Campaign Centering Central Valley Farmers & Ranchers
- Food Safety From Beginning to Advanced: Food Safety Plan Basics & 3rd Party Certification(s) with Dr. Karl Kolb

- Food Processing for Small Producers
- College Farm Tour

11:45 - 1:05

1:15 - 2:45
- Farmer-Buyer Mixer
- Path to Organic Agriculture: Transition and Certification with Jennifer Nunez, CCOF and Grace Jackson, CAFF
- Local Food For All!: A Local Food Marketing Campaign Centering Central Valley Farmers & Ranchers
- Know Your Soil(s): Soil Science 101 with
Sara Rosenberg, UCCE Mariposa County
- Land Assessment at the College Farm with Liya Schwartzman, California FarmLink

Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Merced College
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nova Farming
avatar for Rasheed Hislop

Rasheed Hislop

Farm to Market Senior Manager, CAFF
Selling produce. Developing direct markets (CSAs). Helping small farmers access institutional markets. Food Hubs.
avatar for Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson

Farmer Services Regional Lead - Central Valley, CAFF
avatar for Liya Schwartzman

Liya Schwartzman

Senior Program Manager, Equity and Conservation on Working Lands, California FarmLink
“I am honored to serve our diverse California farmers and ranchers in conserving, securing and transitioning our increasingly limited and infinitely invaluable working lands.”Liya manages FarmLink’s land access, land tenure, succession planning and innovative conservation work... Read More →
avatar for Rizpah Bellard

Rizpah Bellard

Nova Farming
Rizpah Bellard is a graduate of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (BS '15). Raised on a Black Angus cattle ranch, Cornell was the perfect fit. Through both lived and academic experiences, Rizpah has combined natural sciences with social sciences. In her... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Karl Kolb

Dr. Karl Kolb

Ceres Certifications, International
Dr. Karl Kolb has been involved in small farming since birth. Born on a small farm inWisconsin, his first recollection of farming was watering his dad’s many rows ofvegetables which not only supported the family but also markets throughout the localarea. Growing up he raised herbs... Read More →
avatar for Chris Vitelli, Ed.D.

Chris Vitelli, Ed.D.

Superintendent/President, Merced College
avatar for Sara Rosenberg

Sara Rosenberg

Regenerative Agriculture Farm Advisor, UC Agriculture and Natural Resource - Cooperative Extension
Sara Rosenberg is the University of California Cooperative Extension Regenerative Agriculture Advisor for Mariposa, Merced and Stanislaus Counties. Her program evaluates and supports management decisions which improve soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation outcomes, decreasing... Read More →
avatar for Laura Marquez

Laura Marquez

Farm Business Advisor, Kitchen Table Advisors
Growing up in a family with a strong agricultural background, Laura’s connection to the agricultural world was established early on, with her maternal grandparents and their children all working in the Salinas Valley for various agricultural businesses. As a young adult, she immersed... Read More →
avatar for Briyette Andrade

Briyette Andrade

Co-owner/Operator, Bakersfield Meat Co
Briyette Andrade is the co-owner and operator of Bakersfield Meat Co., a USDA-certified meat processing facility that has been serving the community since 2019. Specializing in the processing of beef, pork, and lamb carcasses, the company caters to both retail and non-retail needs... Read More →
avatar for Vicky Garcia

Vicky Garcia

We have been growing almonds as a family since 2010. Having that experience, we were called to share just how delicious almonds are in their various forms. Every week we look forward to seeing our customers at farmers markets and festivals. Our love for our work has only grown since... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm PST
Merced Community College - 3600 M St, Merced, CA 95348 3600 M St, Merced, CA 95348

9:30am PST

Ventura Regional Gathering & Regenerative Farm Tour
Friday February 28, 2025 9:30am - 2:00pm PST
Explore the Rio School District Farm with Farmer Edgar in the morning, where a regenerative farm education project offers an inspiring tour from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. This hands-on experience showcases sustainable practices and educational initiatives in action.

After lunch at noon, join us for an engaging afternoon at the Rodale Institute California Organic Center, located at McGrath Family Farms. Here, visitors will dive into our ongoing research projects that drive organic and regenerative agriculture in California, including soil health advancements and reduced-tillage vegetable production methods.

Rio School District Farm - 1051 Pacific Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030
California Organic Center - 1014 W Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010

Cost: $20 includes lunch (please register at Rodale Institute's website to reserve your tickets!)
Friday February 28, 2025 9:30am - 2:00pm PST
California Organic Center - 1014 W Ventura Blvd Camarillo, CA 93010 1014 W Ventura Blvd Camarillo, CA 93010

10:00am PST

Los Angeles Regional Gathering


Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Los Angeles regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Field day and/or public viewings of select workshops may be added to the lineup.

RSVP is required to enter this event.

This event is produced in collaboration with our friends at the Los Angeles Food Policy Council.

avatar for Guido Lois

Guido Lois

Bilingual Communications & Events Manager, CAFF
Friday February 28, 2025 10:00am - 2:00pm PST
GrowGood Urban Farm - 5600 Rickenbacker Rd, Bell, CA 90201, United States 5600 Rickenbacker Rd, Bell, CA 90201, United States

10:00am PST

Nevada County Field Day: Small Farm Equipment & Maintenance
*NOTE: this special event requires an additional registration and fee. See above*

On-farm Field Days are half-day workshops featuring farmer-to-farmer education, hands-on skill building, practical tools for beginning farmers, and networking opportunities.

Small Farm Equipment & Maintenance📅 Friday, February 28, 2025 10am – 2:30pm
📍 Feeding Crane Farm, Penn Valley
🍴 Lunch and refreshments included

🚜 Farmer scholarships available!

Join us for a hands-on, half-day workshop designed to help small-scale farmers understand and maintain their essential equipment. Whether you’re new to farming or looking to improve the efficiency of your current operations, this workshop will cover the basics of small farm equipment, from tillers and tractors and other common tools used on small farms. Participants will learn about proper maintenance techniques, troubleshooting common issues, and tips for extending the lifespan of equipment. Experts will also share advice on when to repair or replace equipment, as well as how to keep costs manageable. This interactive session will include hands-on activities, demonstrations, and ample time for Q&A, leaving you with the knowledge to keep your equipment running smoothly for maximum productivity.

Click here to apply for a farmer scholarship.

Who Should Attend: Small-scale farmers, new farm operators, and anyone looking to learn more about farm equipment & maintenance.

avatar for Kali Feiereisel

Kali Feiereisel

Farmer Services Director, CAFF
Friday February 28, 2025 10:00am - 2:30pm PST
Feeding Crane Farms - Address to be shared with registrants closer to the event Address to be shared with registrants closer to the event

1:00pm PST

Inland Empire Regional Gathering
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Inland Empire regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Field day and/or public viewings of select workshops may be added to the lineup. Stay tuned for more information.

avatar for Patrick Mitchell

Patrick Mitchell

Farm Operations and Cultural Center Manager, Five Keys Ecological Agriculture Training Cultural Center and Farm
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm PST
Five Keys’ Ecological Agriculture Training Farm - 4208 California Ave Norco, 92860 4208 California Ave Norco, 92860

3:00pm PST

North Valley Regional Gathering
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the North Valley regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food together as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference, hosted in partnership with the North Valley Food Hub and the Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems (CRARS). Join us for a tour of CSU Chico’s Organic Dairy, connect with other farmers, and share your reflections on the conference.

If you are registered for the online California Small Farm Conference, please add this event to your schedule on Sched so we can account for the number of attendees. If you are not signed up for the online Small Farm Conference, please visit this link to save your spot for the North Valley Regional Gathering: https://forms.gle/S1V7sq4eNjtigQnD6

Co-hosted by CAFF, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems, Chico State, and UC ANR.

avatar for Heather Montgomery

Heather Montgomery

Climate Smart Agriculture CES, UC ANR /UCCE Sutter-Yuba Counties
Heather grew up in the Yuba-Sutter area and agriculture has always been a big part of her life. As a Community Education Specialist, she is growing the UCCE Sutter-Yuba Climate Smart Agriculture Program. She enjoys assisting farmers and ranchers with technical assistance for grants... Read More →
avatar for Emily Ayala

Emily Ayala

Ecological Farming Program Specialist, CAFF
Emily supports the Climate Smart Farming Program and Ecological Pest Management Program to assist farmers and ranchers implement and sustain pragmatic agroecological practices. She has lived and worked in agriculture in the Central Valley, Bay Area, and Spain, and is committed to... Read More →
avatar for Benjamin Lewis

Benjamin Lewis

Implementation Specialist, North Valley Food Hub / Grower Outreach Coordinator, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Benjamin worked on farms in Pennsylvania and Vermont and as a Soil Health intern at Rodale Institute while achieving his B.S. in Biology before moving to California to study Agricultural Ecology through a master’s program at U.C. Davis. After co-founding a small fruit and vegetable... Read More →
avatar for Lindsey Hethcote

Lindsey Hethcote

Program Manager Conservation Planning and Education, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Lindsey Hethcote, originally from St. Louis, Missouri, is currently the Conservation Project Coordinator for CRARS. After graduating from the University of Denver with a B.A. in Environmental Science, Lindsey spent time in the States and in Peru working in environmental education... Read More →
avatar for Joey Haney

Joey Haney

North Valley Food Hub Market Manager, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Joey Haney, North Valley Food Hub Market Manager, has worked in the regional food industry for over a decade. He is eager to build agricultural resiliency by forging new connections between farmers and buyers.
Friday February 28, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Chico State University Farm Pavilion - 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln, Chico, CA 95928 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln, Chico, CA 95928

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