This event has ended. Visit the official site or create your own event on Sched.
Welcome to the 37th annual California Small Farm Conference, a week-long event featuring over 40 online workshops as well as a dozen in-person gatherings around the state. Whether you’re a beginning farmer or a seasoned grower, a local food advocate or a farmers market manager, you’ll find something here for you. This year’s theme, "Rooted in Place", honors the vital relationship between farmers, communities and the land they steward.

Check out the schedule below for event times and locations. Click "Reserve Tickets" to register. Admission is on a sliding-scale, to ensure everyone can attend. Please select the amount you’re comfortable paying. Enjoy the conference!

The majority of our conference workshops are recorded for later viewing at any time on CAFF’s YouTube channel, with the exception of certain small group and facilitated sessions for privacy reasons. 
Interested in sponsoring this event? Learn more here
Type: In Person Gathering clear filter
Wednesday, February 26

1:00pm PST

Humboldt Regional Gathering Field Day (Part 1)
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm PST
Field Day: Green Spiral Farm 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA;
Followed by regional gathering and dinner at NCGA Harvest Hub (click for link to part 2)

This event is free, but in order to attend you must register using this link.

Farmer friends and allies, join us to celebrate CAFF’s small farm conference!
The day includes:
UCCE & NCGA will lead a field day from 1:00-4:00 with a brown bag lunch at Green Spiral Farm
Topics: Cover crop strategies, Crops for winter harvest, High tunnel aphid management, and more.  
avatar for Michelle Wyler

Michelle Wyler

Farm to Market Director, CAFF
Wednesday February 26, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm PST
Green Spiral Farm - 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA 819 Mad River Rd, Arcata, CA

4:30pm PST

Humboldt Regional Gathering Dinner (Part 2)
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:30pm - 7:00pm PST
Farmer friends and allies, join us to celebrate CAFF’s small farm conference.

Humboldt Regional Gathering at NCGA Harvest Hub (5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA):
4:30-7:00: Light dinner provided.
5:30: Evening program includes meet your local resource providers and each will have 1 slide/2 mins/table to give an overview.
avatar for Michelle Wyler

Michelle Wyler

Farm to Market Director, CAFF
Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:30pm - 7:00pm PST
NCGA Harvest Hub - 5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA 5720 West End Rd, Arcata CA
Thursday, February 27

12:30pm PST

North Bay Regional Gathering
Thursday February 27, 2025 12:30pm - 6:30pm PST
Join us at Green Valley Farm + Mill, just outside Sebastopol, CA, for the North Bay gathering of the CA Small Farm Conference. This event, open to anyone working within the small farm community, will feature an afternoon of educational workshops, panels, farm tours and networking events followed by a happy hour social.

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 2:15 pm
  • Farm to School & Institutional Sales: Lizzy Elliott, CDFA; Meerae Park, CDFA; Tim Galarneau, UCSC Center for Agroecology; Michael Jochner Food Service Director Morgan Hill Unified School District
  • Dry Farming Techniques: Yvonne Socolar, Research Scientist, UC Berkeley; Caiti Hachmyer, Red H Farm; Zuriel Bernier, Bernier Farm
  • Farm Tour: Green Valley Farm + Mill & Brambletail Homestead (repeated at 4pm)

2:30 - 3:45
  • Rodent Pest Control: Clare Riesman, SRJC Shone Farm; Breanna Martinico, UC Cooperative Extension
  • Selling to Food Banks: Samiha Hamdi, Fresh Approach; Juila E Van Soelen, UCANR, North Bay Food Systems Advisor; Erika Carstensen, Redwood Empire Food Bank; Maria Houlne, CA Association of Food Banks
  • Pricing for Different Markets & Knowing Your Cost to Grow: Arabelle Schoenberg, CAFF; Vince Trotter, UCCE Sustainable Ag Coordinator & Agricultural Ombudsman; Lily Schneider, Kitchen Table Advisor

4:00 - 5:15 pm
  • Selling Wholesale & Working with Food Hubs: Dylan Stein, FEED Cooperative;  Haerah Baird, Mendo-Lake Food Hub; Ben Hartmen, Pacific Produce; Farmers Jessica Rentsch, Caroline Radice & Samuel Tookey
  • Farmers Markets & Other Direct Sales: Ariel Vaughan, Agricultural Institute of Marin; Kelly Smith, Agricultural Community Events Farmers Markets; and Julia Van Soelen Kim, UCCE
  • Farm Tour: Green Valley Farm + Mill & Brambletail Homestead (repeated at 1pm)

5:30 - 6:30 pm

NOTE: Snacks, drinks, and lite bites (tamales!) during happy hour will be provided. Warm layers and farm-appropriate attire encouraged. Make sure to add this event to your personal schedule on Sched to receive updates.

  • Community Alliance with Family Farmers
  • University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Agricultural Institute Of Marin
  • Southwest Regional Food Business Center, University of California, Santa Cruz

avatar for Layla Aguilar

Layla Aguilar

Ecological Farming Program Manager, CAFF

Arabelle Schoenberg

Bay Area Regional Lead, Farmer Services, CAFF
avatar for Evan Wiig

Evan Wiig

Communications Director, CAFF
Evan Wiig is the Director of Membership & Communications for Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) and the founder of The Farmers Guild. A community organizer with a passion for regenerative agriculture, he's not only worked on farms and ranches across California, but previously... Read More →

Héktor Calderón-Victoria

Regional Food Systems Specialist, UCSC: Center for Agroecology & USDA
avatar for Tim Galarneau

Tim Galarneau

UCSC Center for Agroecology
avatar for Yvonne Socolar

Yvonne Socolar

Research Scientist, UC Berkeley
Yvonne's research interests lie at the nexus of agriculture and climate resilience. She studies how diversified management practices influence plant-soil-microbe interactions to promote farms’ ecological and economic well-being, particularly in the face of water limitations.

Clare Riesman

Associate Faculty, Sustainable Agriculture, Santa Rosa Junior College

Caiti Hachmyer

Farmer, Red H Farm
avatar for Meerae Park

Meerae Park

Producer Engagement Specialist, CDFA

Zureal Bernier

Bernier Farms
avatar for Ben Hartmen

Ben Hartmen

Pacific Produce
avatar for Samiha Hamdi

Samiha Hamdi

Fresh Approach

Breanna Martinico

UC Cooperative Extension
avatar for Lizzy Elliott

Lizzy Elliott

Farm to School Bay Area Regional Lead, CDFA

Juila E Van Soelen

North Bay Food Systems Advisor, UCANR

Dylan Stein

FEED Cooperative

Haerah Baird

Mendo Lake Food Hub

Thursday February 27, 2025 12:30pm - 6:30pm PST
Green Valley Farm + Mill - 13024 Green Valley Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472 13024 Green Valley Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472

2:30pm PST

Sacramento/Yolo/Solano Gathering PART 1 (Farm Tours)
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:30pm - 4:45pm PST
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Sac/Yolo/Solano gathering to learn more about local Sacramento area farms, mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Participants are welcome to attend both the afternoon farm tours and evening social mixer, or to attend one of the parts of the schedule that suits your interests!
Get a close-up look at urban farms in West Sac, including tours of Riverfront Farm and Fiery Ginger Farm, and hear more about CLBL’s Community Food Program and Mobile Farmers Market truck!

This is the registration page for the first part of the schedule and farm tours for the Yolo/Solano/Sac Regional Gathering. To sign up for the second part, the social evening, please go to the Part 2 event link.

- 2:30-3:30 PM: Farm Visit and Tour at the Center for Land-Based Learning's Riverfront Farm (985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 3:45-4:45 PM: Farm Tour at Fiery Ginger Farm (1551 Merkley Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 5:00-8:00 PM: Social and Mixer at West Sacramento Community Center (1075 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
All locations are within a 5-10 minute driving distance of each other in West Sacramento.

For parking information around Riverfront Farm: There is a gate by the farm at the corner of Riverfront St & Bridge St. You can park by the dog park there. If overflow parking is needed, there is free 2 hour parking along Riverfront St., and paid hourly parking in the city lot on Bridge St.

For parking information around Fiery Ginger Farm: Unrestricted event parking within 10-15 minute walking distance is located at 1271 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691 (this lot is also usable for access to the evening social event at the West Sacramento Community Center).
avatar for Elliott Ge

Elliott Ge

Administrative and Systems Specialist, CAFF
avatar for Hanna Kahl

Hanna Kahl

Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF
Hanna specializes in agricultural research and organizing information sharing with farmers. She is passionate about hosting events where farmers can share their knowledge and experience and doing applied research to serve the need of local farmers. Feel free to ask Hanna questions... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 2:30pm - 4:45pm PST
Riverfront Farm - 985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691 985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691

3:00pm PST

San Diego Regional Gathering
Thursday February 27, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the San Diego regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference.We'll be hosted by S&S Friendly Ranch in the Tijuana River Valley and have a dynamic afternoon full of discussion and sharing. We are excited to gather and share our collective efforts!  Attendees can plan to participate in the following:

  • Farm tour of S&S Friendly Ranch concluded with a community art project and small contribution by each attendee

  • Discuss the Tijuana River crisis and an exciting pilot project the farm is participating in on Mycoremediation

  • Choose your own discussion adventure! Various discussion tables will be arranged on the following topics for attendees to choose from 1) Soil-building and healing techniques 2) Food forest 3) Farm-to Market (sales strategies, self-service farm stands, etc)

  • Time at the end to enjoy each others company, eat some food, hang out

  • Bonfire at Sunset!

Folks are welcome to bring a dish to share (potluck style - please label), any drinks etc. We have a donation from Pure Project Brewery once again (thank you PPB)!

This is a free event. Kid friendly!

We can't wait to see you at the farm!

Planned potluck items to date:
  • Tamales made by Chef Ron Oliver (beef & vegetarian)
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Local Citrus Olive Oil Cake
  • 2 Types of Veggie Heavy Salads

Thank you to Edible San Diego and the Berry Good Foundation for supporting this event!!
avatar for Elizabeth Vaughan

Elizabeth Vaughan

Small Farm Technology Specialist, CAFF
Thursday February 27, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
S&S Friendly Ranch - 2105 Hollister St, San Diego, CA 92154 2105 Hollister St, San Diego, CA 92154

5:00pm PST

Reunión con CAFF para agricultores en la Costa Central
Por favor regístrese a este evento en persona a través de este enlace

Para cerrar la conferencia de Pequeños Agricultores de California, reúnase con personal de CAFF y agricultores de la Costa Central en este evento completamente en español.
Presentaremos un espacio para que usted pueda compartir con otros agricultores, información general de la Inocuidad Alimentaria (Food Safety) y una cena ligera.
Únase para conectarse con su red de agricultores y personal de CAFF en la Costa Central.
Este evento requiere inscripción. 

Thursday February 27, 2025 5:00pm - 7:00pm PST
United Way Monterey County Center - 232 Monterey Street, Suite 200, Salinas, CA 93901 232 Monterey Street, Suite 200, Salinas, CA 93901

5:00pm PST

Sacramento/Yolo/Solano Gathering PART 2 (Social Evening)
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Sac/Yolo/Solano gathering to learn more about local Sacramento area farms, mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Participants are welcome to attend both the afternoon farm tours and evening social mixer, or to attend one of the parts of the schedule that suits your interests!

Receive other resources and learn about opportunities from tabling partners such as CAFF, CA Department of Food and Agriculture’s Farm to School Program, Center for Land-Based Learning, Yolo County Resource Conservation District, and more. Featuring food provided by local California Farm Champion award-winning restaurant, Magpie Cafe!

This is the registration page for the second part of the schedule and social evening at West Sacramento Community Center. To sign up for the first part and the farm tours, please go to the Part 1 event link.

- 2:30-3:30 PM: Farm Visit and Tour at the Center for Land-Based Learning's Riverfront Farm (985 Riverfront St, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 3:45-4:45 PM: Farm Tour at Fiery Ginger Farm (1551 Merkley Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
- 5:00-8:00 PM: Social and Mixer at West Sacramento Community Center (1075 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691)
All locations are within a 5-10 minute driving distance of each other in West Sacramento.

For parking information around the Community Center: Please refer to this document. Unrestricted event parking within a 5-10 minute walking distance is located at 1271 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691.
avatar for Elliott Ge

Elliott Ge

Administrative and Systems Specialist, CAFF
avatar for Hanna Kahl

Hanna Kahl

Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF
Hanna specializes in agricultural research and organizing information sharing with farmers. She is passionate about hosting events where farmers can share their knowledge and experience and doing applied research to serve the need of local farmers. Feel free to ask Hanna questions... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 5:00pm - 8:00pm PST
West Sacramento Community Center - 1075 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 1075 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691
Friday, February 28

8:00am PST

Mendo/Lake: Cultivating Success for Fresh Market Produce Farms
Friday February 28, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm PST
NOTE: Event is free, but please RSVP using this form

Cultivating Success for Fresh Market Produce Farms
Atina Diffley, Organic Farmer and Trainer

Join us for a day of learning about cultivating a healthy business!
Success for produce farms requires consistently producing the correct volume and quality in efficient systems and marketing a non-fungible product to committed, consistent markets.
Marketing is an Active Process: Meeting the needs and values of your customers is fundamental to creating a healthy long-term relationship. How to actively seek buyers is just the start. Who is your customer and what do they need?

Viable Cost of Production: Scale-appropriate and cost-effective strategies to minimize labor hours and keep cost of production as low as possible are fundamental for farm stability.
Post Harvest Handling: Maintaining the cold chain from harvest through cleaning, cooling, storage and distribution to maximize shelf life is essential to keep customers coming back for more.
Practical Produce Safety to Jump-start Your Food Safety System: An interactive, hands-on session designed for small farms. Being proactive on food safety with risk assessments and standard procedures can reduce your labor hours while minimizing risk.

Farm fresh lunch and refreshments will be served.

Date and Time: February 28th, 8:30am-4:30pm

Location - UC Hopland Research Extension Center, Rod Shippey Hall

Hosted by MendoLake Food Hub (a program of North Coast Opportunities, Inc.)

Friday February 28, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm PST
UC Hopland Research Extension Center 4070 University Rd, Hopland, CA 95449 (Rod Shippey Hall)

9:00am PST

Merced / San Joaquin Valley Gathering
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm PST
The SJV Regional Gathering connects farmers, community members and supporters of family farms in the Central Valley to come together, meet one another and grow our community. In 2025, our regional gathering will feature a keynote address by Rizpah Bellard of Nova Farming, a variety of educational workshops, and a buyer-farmer mixer focused on connecting small-scale farmers with buyers. 

*The Merced College address will not direct you to the event parking and event. Use the map and written directions below to make sure you arrive at the event*
Merced College Map
Coordinates: 37.33672° N, 120.47088° W
- From G Street, turn onto Community College Drive - North
- Take the first Left onto Community College Drive - East
- Take the first Left onto University Drive
- Enter the roundabout and park in either parking lot
Parking in these two parking lots is free

FULL SCHEDULE (click link for PDF version):
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:25

9:25 AM - 10:05

10:15 - 11:45 pm

- How to Get Your Farm Business Ready for Organic Markets with Laura Marquez, Kitchen Table Advisors
- Local Food For All!: A Local Food Marketing Campaign Centering Central Valley Farmers & Ranchers
- Food Safety From Beginning to Advanced: Food Safety Plan Basics & 3rd Party Certification(s) with Dr. Karl Kolb

- Food Processing for Small Producers
- College Farm Tour

11:45 - 1:05

1:15 - 2:45
- Farmer-Buyer Mixer
- Path to Organic Agriculture: Transition and Certification with Jennifer Nunez, CCOF and Grace Jackson, CAFF
- Local Food For All!: A Local Food Marketing Campaign Centering Central Valley Farmers & Ranchers
- Know Your Soil(s): Soil Science 101 with
Sara Rosenberg, UCCE Mariposa County
- Land Assessment at the College Farm with Liya Schwartzman, California FarmLink

Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Merced College
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nova Farming
avatar for Rasheed Hislop

Rasheed Hislop

Farm to Market Senior Manager, CAFF
Selling produce. Developing direct markets (CSAs). Helping small farmers access institutional markets. Food Hubs.
avatar for Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson

Farmer Services Regional Lead - Central Valley, CAFF
avatar for Liya Schwartzman

Liya Schwartzman

Senior Program Manager, Equity and Conservation on Working Lands, California FarmLink
“I am honored to serve our diverse California farmers and ranchers in conserving, securing and transitioning our increasingly limited and infinitely invaluable working lands.”Liya manages FarmLink’s land access, land tenure, succession planning and innovative conservation work... Read More →
avatar for Rizpah Bellard

Rizpah Bellard

Nova Farming
Rizpah Bellard is a graduate of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (BS '15). Raised on a Black Angus cattle ranch, Cornell was the perfect fit. Through both lived and academic experiences, Rizpah has combined natural sciences with social sciences. In her... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Karl Kolb

Dr. Karl Kolb

Ceres Certifications, International
Dr. Karl Kolb has been involved in small farming since birth. Born on a small farm inWisconsin, his first recollection of farming was watering his dad’s many rows ofvegetables which not only supported the family but also markets throughout the localarea. Growing up he raised herbs... Read More →
avatar for Chris Vitelli, Ed.D.

Chris Vitelli, Ed.D.

Superintendent/President, Merced College
avatar for Sara Rosenberg

Sara Rosenberg

Regenerative Agriculture Farm Advisor, UC Agriculture and Natural Resource - Cooperative Extension
Sara Rosenberg is the University of California Cooperative Extension Regenerative Agriculture Advisor for Mariposa, Merced and Stanislaus Counties. Her program evaluates and supports management decisions which improve soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation outcomes, decreasing... Read More →
avatar for Laura Marquez

Laura Marquez

Farm Business Advisor, Kitchen Table Advisors
Growing up in a family with a strong agricultural background, Laura’s connection to the agricultural world was established early on, with her maternal grandparents and their children all working in the Salinas Valley for various agricultural businesses. As a young adult, she immersed... Read More →
avatar for Briyette Andrade

Briyette Andrade

Co-owner/Operator, Bakersfield Meat Co
Briyette Andrade is the co-owner and operator of Bakersfield Meat Co., a USDA-certified meat processing facility that has been serving the community since 2019. Specializing in the processing of beef, pork, and lamb carcasses, the company caters to both retail and non-retail needs... Read More →
avatar for Vicky Garcia

Vicky Garcia

We have been growing almonds as a family since 2010. Having that experience, we were called to share just how delicious almonds are in their various forms. Every week we look forward to seeing our customers at farmers markets and festivals. Our love for our work has only grown since... Read More →
Friday February 28, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm PST
Merced Community College - 3600 M St, Merced, CA 95348 3600 M St, Merced, CA 95348

9:30am PST

Ventura Regional Gathering & Regenerative Farm Tour
Friday February 28, 2025 9:30am - 2:00pm PST
Explore the Rio School District Farm with Farmer Edgar in the morning, where a regenerative farm education project offers an inspiring tour from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. This hands-on experience showcases sustainable practices and educational initiatives in action.

After lunch at noon, join us for an engaging afternoon at the Rodale Institute California Organic Center, located at McGrath Family Farms. Here, visitors will dive into our ongoing research projects that drive organic and regenerative agriculture in California, including soil health advancements and reduced-tillage vegetable production methods.

Rio School District Farm - 1051 Pacific Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030
California Organic Center - 1014 W Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010

Cost: $20 includes lunch (please register at Rodale Institute's website to reserve your tickets!)
Friday February 28, 2025 9:30am - 2:00pm PST
California Organic Center - 1014 W Ventura Blvd Camarillo, CA 93010 1014 W Ventura Blvd Camarillo, CA 93010

10:00am PST

Los Angeles Regional Gathering


Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Los Angeles regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Field day and/or public viewings of select workshops may be added to the lineup.

RSVP is required to enter this event.

This event is produced in collaboration with our friends at the Los Angeles Food Policy Council.

avatar for Guido Lois

Guido Lois

Bilingual Communications & Events Manager, CAFF
Friday February 28, 2025 10:00am - 2:00pm PST
GrowGood Urban Farm - 5600 Rickenbacker Rd, Bell, CA 90201, United States 5600 Rickenbacker Rd, Bell, CA 90201, United States

10:00am PST

Nevada County Field Day: Small Farm Equipment & Maintenance
*NOTE: this special event requires an additional registration and fee. See above*

On-farm Field Days are half-day workshops featuring farmer-to-farmer education, hands-on skill building, practical tools for beginning farmers, and networking opportunities.

Small Farm Equipment & Maintenance📅 Friday, February 28, 2025 10am – 2:30pm
📍 Feeding Crane Farm, Penn Valley
🍴 Lunch and refreshments included

🚜 Farmer scholarships available!

Join us for a hands-on, half-day workshop designed to help small-scale farmers understand and maintain their essential equipment. Whether you’re new to farming or looking to improve the efficiency of your current operations, this workshop will cover the basics of small farm equipment, from tillers and tractors and other common tools used on small farms. Participants will learn about proper maintenance techniques, troubleshooting common issues, and tips for extending the lifespan of equipment. Experts will also share advice on when to repair or replace equipment, as well as how to keep costs manageable. This interactive session will include hands-on activities, demonstrations, and ample time for Q&A, leaving you with the knowledge to keep your equipment running smoothly for maximum productivity.

Click here to apply for a farmer scholarship.

Who Should Attend: Small-scale farmers, new farm operators, and anyone looking to learn more about farm equipment & maintenance.

avatar for Kali Feiereisel

Kali Feiereisel

Farmer Services Director, CAFF
Friday February 28, 2025 10:00am - 2:30pm PST
Feeding Crane Farms - Address to be shared with registrants closer to the event Address to be shared with registrants closer to the event

1:00pm PST

Inland Empire Regional Gathering
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the Inland Empire regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food and drinks as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference. Field day and/or public viewings of select workshops may be added to the lineup. Stay tuned for more information.

avatar for Patrick Mitchell

Patrick Mitchell

Farm Operations and Cultural Center Manager, Five Keys Ecological Agriculture Training Cultural Center and Farm
Friday February 28, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm PST
Five Keys’ Ecological Agriculture Training Farm - 4208 California Ave Norco, 92860 4208 California Ave Norco, 92860

3:00pm PST

North Valley Regional Gathering
Farmers and local food advocates are invited to the North Valley regional gathering to mix, mingle, and enjoy food together as a culminating event to this year's California Small Farm Conference, hosted in partnership with the North Valley Food Hub and the Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems (CRARS). Join us for a tour of CSU Chico’s Organic Dairy, connect with other farmers, and share your reflections on the conference.

If you are registered for the online California Small Farm Conference, please add this event to your schedule on Sched so we can account for the number of attendees. If you are not signed up for the online Small Farm Conference, please visit this link to save your spot for the North Valley Regional Gathering: https://forms.gle/S1V7sq4eNjtigQnD6

Co-hosted by CAFF, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems, Chico State, and UC ANR.

avatar for Heather Montgomery

Heather Montgomery

Climate Smart Agriculture CES, UC ANR /UCCE Sutter-Yuba Counties
Heather grew up in the Yuba-Sutter area and agriculture has always been a big part of her life. As a Community Education Specialist, she is growing the UCCE Sutter-Yuba Climate Smart Agriculture Program. She enjoys assisting farmers and ranchers with technical assistance for grants... Read More →
avatar for Emily Ayala

Emily Ayala

Ecological Farming Program Specialist, CAFF
Emily supports the Climate Smart Farming Program and Ecological Pest Management Program to assist farmers and ranchers implement and sustain pragmatic agroecological practices. She has lived and worked in agriculture in the Central Valley, Bay Area, and Spain, and is committed to... Read More →
avatar for Benjamin Lewis

Benjamin Lewis

Implementation Specialist, North Valley Food Hub / Grower Outreach Coordinator, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Benjamin worked on farms in Pennsylvania and Vermont and as a Soil Health intern at Rodale Institute while achieving his B.S. in Biology before moving to California to study Agricultural Ecology through a master’s program at U.C. Davis. After co-founding a small fruit and vegetable... Read More →
avatar for Lindsey Hethcote

Lindsey Hethcote

Program Manager Conservation Planning and Education, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Lindsey Hethcote, originally from St. Louis, Missouri, is currently the Conservation Project Coordinator for CRARS. After graduating from the University of Denver with a B.A. in Environmental Science, Lindsey spent time in the States and in Peru working in environmental education... Read More →
avatar for Joey Haney

Joey Haney

North Valley Food Hub Market Manager, Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems
Joey Haney, North Valley Food Hub Market Manager, has worked in the regional food industry for over a decade. He is eager to build agricultural resiliency by forging new connections between farmers and buyers.
Friday February 28, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm PST
Chico State University Farm Pavilion - 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln, Chico, CA 95928 311 Nicholas C Shouten Ln, Chico, CA 95928

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